STEPHENVILLE, Texas — Author Tom Murphy will lead a free workshop on sacred space writing at the Camp Crucis Outdoor Chapel, 2875 Camp Crucis Court in Granbury, beginning at 9 a.m. Tuesday, Sept. 6. Murphy is the 2021-22 Corpus Christi Poet Laureate and this year’s writer-in-residence for the Langdon Review of the Arts in Texas.
The chapel, originally a native American mound, is now part of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth and a sacred Christian location rising above the South Fork of Strouds Creek. Workshop attendees will explore how such a place can help tap into personal creativity and expand spiritual awareness through the power of writing.
Participants should bring writing supplies, sunscreen, insect repellant and a hat. The workshop is planned for outdoors, but the elements could move it inside.
Murphy has studied native American, Christian and Neolithic sites. His book Snake Woman Moon: The Avebury Bride Cycle examines the Avebury Stone complex in England, near Stonehenge.
The Langdon Review is collaborating with the Texas Association of Creative Writing Teachers in “Langdon Sessions” and a dinner presentation by Murphy during the organization’s Sept. 15-17 conference in Fort Worth.
For more information about the workshop email, or call Langdon Review co-editor Dr. Marilyn Robitaille at 254-968-9026.
For additional information about the TACWT conference visit