Wednesday, June 15, 2022
STEPHENVILLE, Texas — Two Tarleton State University students have been elected to leadership positions on The Texas A&M University System’s Chancellor’s Student Advisory Council (CSAC).
Aspen Hoover will serve as CSAC president and Jayce Thedford as secretary and historian.“It is important for us to be able to meet, congregate and share ideas for the betterment of all our campuses while we represent the 153,000 student voices at one time,” Hoover said. “I’m confident CSAC will provide amazing insight regarding the needs of our students and really make a difference on our respective campuses.
Hoover, a senior agricultural education major, was recently elected president of Tarleton’s Student Government Association (SGA). She is in the upper-level Honors College program, a member of Sigma Alpha and the John Tarleton Agriculture Advocates, and serves as a Tarleton Transition Mentor.
Upon graduation, she intends to pursue a master’s degree in student affairs and higher education. She envisions a career where she can be a mentor to college students.
Thedford is a senior double majoring in electrical engineering and computer science with a mathematics minor. In the Student Government Association he has served as the College of Science and Technology congressperson and is now SGA vice president.
CSAC provides an opportunity to improve the A&M System, he said, and representing all of the students in the System is a major responsibility. “I plan on doing my best to ensure that CSAC operates efficiently and that changes are made to benefit the students and set them up for success.”
Thedford cofounded the Tarleton Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Student Chapter (served as president) and the Student Research Association (vice president). He is active in the Tarleton Aeronautical and Rocketry Club and has participated in the NASA University Student Launch Initiative.
A first-generation college student and previous senior residential leader, he has had the opportunity to support first-year and fellow first-gen students. He has taught drone automation exercises in STEM outreach initiatives and hopes to enter the astronautics industry.
The Chancellor’s Student Advisory Council was formed in 1982 to provide an avenue for student leaders to address common issues in the A&M System. Membership consists of two student representatives from each of the 11 universities.
CSAC meets twice in the spring, one of those times during the A&M System Student Affairs Symposium, and in the fall coinciding with a regents meeting.
A founding member of The Texas A&M System, Tarleton State University is breaking records — in enrollment, research, scholarship, athletics, philanthropy and engagement — while transforming the lives of approximately 18,000 students in Stephenville, Fort Worth, Waco, Bryan and online. For 125 years, Tarleton State has been committed to accessible higher education opportunities for all while helping students grow academically, socially and professionally through programs that emphasize real world learning and address regional, state and national needs.