John Tarleton Spirit Award Recipients
Monday, April 30, 2018
STEPHENVILLE, Texas — Tarleton State University campus leaders, student achievers and community supporters were honored April 27 during the 22nd annual Leadership and Service Awards banquet.
Hosted by Tarleton’s Division of Student Affairs, the ceremony spotlights those who contribute to a successful year, including community and civic leaders.
The John Tarleton Spirit Award —named for the university’s founder — honors juniors, seniors and graduate students who exemplify the Tarleton spirit through involvement, participation and leadership. Recipients this year are Mason Barker, Harley Cooper, Cecelia Flores, Amanda Franklin, Kelci Healer, Matt Hill, Ansley Jenkins, Wade Johnson, Marc Martinez, Michaela McCord, Madison Minor, Jordan Palmer and Rachel Stanton.
Other top awards bear the name of individuals who have had a positive impact on the university.
W.O. and Florene Trogdon have two awards named in their honor, for individual service and organizational service. Dr. Trogdon was Tarleton’s 12th president. This year’s Individual Service Award was presented to Rebecca Hanson, while the Organizational Service Award went to the Epsilon Upsilon Chapter of Alpha Gamma Delta sorority.
This year’s May Jones Advisor of the Year Award, recognizing exemplary leadership and dedication, recognized a longtime member of the Tarleton faculty who has served as sponsor to numerous campus organizations — Stephanie Chambers, adviser to the TTS/TTP Purple Poo.
The Col. Will L. Tate Organization of the Year Award, honoring a Tarleton Distinguished Alumnus, was presented to Tarleton’s Xi Nu Chapter of Delta Zeta sorority.
The Program of the Year Award recognizes the organization that conducts the most creative and innovative activity or program. Program of the Year went to the Residence Hall Association for Launching of the Ducks, a tradition where students, faculty and staff write their goals on rubber ducks to start Homecoming Week activities.
Freshman Participation and Sophomore Participation awards go to underclassmen who are actively involved in all aspects of campus life. This year’s outstanding freshmen are Byran Hicks and Sylvia Perkinson. The outstanding sophomores are Randall Toops and Rebecca Williams.
The Graduate Student Leadership Award, an accolade added to the Leadership and Service Awards, recognizes Tarleton students who are working on their master’s degree. The first recipients of the award are Kimberly Eickholt and Lexi Long.
Eickholt is a graduate student at Tarleton’s Waco campus, where she serves as senior adviser to the Tarleton Waco Diplomats, treasurer for the National Alliance of Mental Illness, and a special adviser to the Waco Peer Mentors.
Long, a graduate assistant in the Division of Student Affairs, is a member of the Tarleton Allies program and volunteers at animal shelters. She has served on the First Year Experience Committee, taken on responsibility for student travel procedures, and facilitates training and workshops for the Good Neighbors program.
The 2018 Leadership and Service Awards winners:
• Freshman Participation Award
Bryan Hicks and Sylvia Perkinson
• Sophomore Participation Award
Randall Toops and Rebecca Williams
• Graduate Student Leadership Award
Kimberly Eickholt and Lexi Long
• Earl Rudder Award
Francisco Castro
• Advocate Award
Morgan Salas
• Program of the Year
Launching of the Ducks, sponsored by the Residence Hall Association
• Impact Award
Tammy Hull
• Col. Will L. Tate Organization of the Year Award
Xi Nu Chapter ofDelta Zeta sorority
• May Jones Advisor of the Year Award
Stephanie Chambers, adviser, TTS/TTP Purple Poo
• Alumni Legend Award
Mrs. Sena Leese
• W.O. and Florene Trogdon Individual Service Award
Rebecca Hanson
• W.O. and Florene Trogdon Organizational Service Award
Epsilon Upsilon Chapter of Alpha Gamma Delta sorority
• Wanda Mercer Legacy Award
Claire McNeil and Natalie Oud
• John Tarleton Spirit Award
Amanda Franklin, Ansley Jenkins, Cecelia Flores, Harley Cooper, Jordan Palmer, Kelci Healer, Madison Minor, Marc Martinez, Mason Barker, Matt Hill, Rachel Stanton, Wade Johnson and Michaela McCord
• TTS/TTP Purple Poo senior recognition
Marc Martinez, Cristina Neeley, Allen Jordan, Jordan Palmer, Harley Cooper, Megan Andrews, Kory Lee, Jonathan Musgrave, Taylor Mauppin and Parker Scanlan
Tarleton, founding member of The Texas A&M University System, provides a student-focused, value-driven educational experience, marked by academic innovation and a dedication to transform today’s scholars into tomorrow’s leaders. Offering degree programs in Stephenville, Fort Worth, Waco, Midlothian and online to more than 13,000 students, Tarleton engages with communities through real-world learning experiences to address societal needs while maintaining its core values of integrity, leadership, tradition, civility, excellence and service.
Contact: Erin Warner, Campus Life Office