Faculty and Staff Award winners
Wednesday, April 25, 2018
STEPHENVILLE, Texas — Tarleton State University recognized six faculty and four staff members for their achievements and service Tuesday night at its annual Faculty and Staff Awards Banquet.
Honorees are selected for their impact on Tarleton students and the community through excellence, innovation, scholarship and service.
This year’s faculty recipients are:
Dr. Rebecca Putnam — Outstanding Junior Faculty Award
Recognizes excellence in teaching, scholarly or creative activities, and service by a faculty member beginning an academic career.
An assistant professor of education, Putnam has established a strong research agenda, including publishing five peer-reviewed articles, since joining Tarleton three years ago. She has built strong partnerships with schools in the Fort Worth ISD and brought to fruition the university’s Fort Worth Campus Food Pantry.
Dr. Kathy Smith — Engaged Faculty Award
Honors faculty members who encourage students in civic learning, community-based research and reciprocal community partnerships.
An associate professor of mathematics, Smith is a tireless supporter of student involvement in activities that build and strengthen community partnerships. She leads Tarleton Educators for the Advancement of Mathematics, a student organization, responsible for the implementation of Family Math Nights at local public schools.
Dr. Joe Priest — Barry B. Thompson Service Award
Recognizes service to students, the university community and contributions to student-faculty interactions outside the classroom.
A professor of kinesiology, Priest encourages students to actively engage in service-related applied learning projects that bring thoughtful and life-changing service to others. One example is the Laboratory for Wellness and Motor Behavior, where he and his students meet the needs of clients living with physical disabilities.
Chris Ireland — Jack and Louise Arthur Faculty Award for Excellence in Teaching
Honors effective and dedicated faculty who exemplify excellence in university teaching.
An associate professor of art, Ireland is architect of Tarleton’s Bachelor of Arts in Digital Media program and its first faculty member. He is described as a knowledgeable and caring professor who supports students inside and outside the classroom. Ireland has organized multiple study abroad trips for students, giving them the opportunity to practice digital photography in South Africa and visit museums in New York City.
Dr. Amber Bozer — Faculty Excellence in Scholarship Award
Given annually to one faculty member for exemplary performance in scholarship through research, writing, collaborative scholarly efforts and professional presentations.
An assistant professor of psychology sciences, Bozer has one of the most productive and varied research agendas in the College of Education. She has published numerous peer-reviewed articles and delivered more than 25 presentations at various professional conferences. Her work in the EEG lab has produced some of the first neuroscience research conducted at Tarleton.
Dr. Dustin Edwards — Faculty Excellence in Student Success Award
Honors faculty who enhance opportunities for students to engage meaningfully in the academic experience.
An assistant professor of biology, Edwards has worked closely with students and colleagues to develop a rigorous research program at Tarleton, focusing on increasing the success of students who seek to enter professional schools. Edwards recently received funding from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute to initiate a phage discovery course that provides undergraduate students with an applied research experience in molecular biology.
This year’s staff recipients are:
Erica Robinson — Horizon Award
Recognizes a staff member who volunteers time or resources to the betterment of the community, building and maintaining relationships that extend Tarleton’s reputation and impact.
An advisor and outreach program manager, Robinson serves tirelessly in the Fort Worth community. She has completed numerous leadership programs, including PATHS Forward, Leading Edge and Fort Worth Mayor Betsy Price’s SteerFW Keyholders. Robinson serves on numerous city boards and committees, such as Fort Worth Councilman Brian Byrd’s Las Vegas Trail Revitalization Taskforce Education Committee.
Sherri Keene — Impact Award
Honors a staff member who displays outstanding and exemplary problem solving, resourcefulness and innovation to reduce university costs, improve safety or increase efficiencies.
An enrollment data support specialist, Keene is known as a brilliant problem solver. Colleagues say she conducts in-depth research to find answers, ensuring all processes are the highest of quality for Tarleton’s Division of Enrollment Management.
Donna Strohmeyer — Enhancing the Student Experience Award
Recognizes a staff member whose role does not involve teaching, but who still directly and significantly contributes to the student development experience through student-focused initiatives.
Colleagues say Strohmeyer, executive director of student services, relates to Tarleton Texans with a mixture of compassion and tough love. An almost 30-year employee, she has coordinated numerous successful university events, such as Texan Town Hall and Texan Debate.
Caris Thetford — Quality Service Award
Honors a staff member who “goes the extra mile,” demonstrating outstanding dedication to Tarleton and their position, while maintaining a positive attitude and demonstrating exemplary service.
Thetford, assistant director of Tarleton’s student counseling services, leads university efforts to help prevent substance abuse and violence. She served as chair of the Presidential Task Force for Relational Violence, bringing together representatives from Tarleton, law enforcement and school districts to discuss violence and make recommendations. She also leads the campus’ Green Dot active bystander training program.
Tarleton, founding member of The Texas A&M University System, provides a student-focused, value-driven educational experience, marked by academic innovation and a dedication to transform today’s scholars into tomorrow’s leaders. Offering degree programs in Stephenville, Fort Worth, Waco, Midlothian and online to more than 13,000 students, Tarleton engages with communities through real-world learning experiences to address societal needs while maintaining its core values of integrity, leadership, tradition, civility, excellence and service.
Contact: Sarah Bahari, News and Information Specialist