Schedule an Appointment

Prospective Students:

Prospective students are students that have been admitted but have not enrolled into classes, applied but have not received an admission decision, or have not applied for admission.

Please contact our office to schedule an appointment.

Current Students:

  1. Login to EAB Navigate with your UID and password (same as myGateway). If you have problems with your password, use Tarleton Password Manager or call 254-968-9885 to reset your password.
  2. Select schedule an appointment
  3. Select Texan Services as the appointment type
  4. Choose how you would like to your appointment to be conducted (in person, by phone, zoom chat)

Contact Us

Hours of Operation

  • Monday-Thursday: 8:00-5:00 pm
  • Friday: 9:00-5:00 pm

How we Communicate

The Office of Financial Aid at Tarleton State University will communicate with you at your email address. It is very important that you make sure to check your email account regularly.

StephenvilleAmanda PetrosianExecutive Director254-968-9070
StephenvilleJosiah MendozaAssociate Director of Compliance and Training254-968-9070
StephenvilleTracy KingAssistant Director of Client Services254-968-9070
StephenvilleVacantAssistant Director of Operations254-968-9070
StephenvilleLucas MaloneFinancial Aid Advisor254-968-9070
StephenvilleKC MorganFinancial Aid Advisor254-968-9070
StephenvilleDavid McCrayFinancial Aid Advisor254-968-9070
Fort WorthJasmine WatsonFinancial Aid Advisor817-732-7300
StephenvilleMichelle WrightFinancial Aid Associate254-968-9070
StephenvilleCaroline RubinoFinancial Aid Associate254-968-9070
StephenvilleDustin MontgomeryFinancial Aid Associate254-968-9070
StephenvilleVacantFinancial Aid Associate254-968-9070
StephenvilleMolly RichardsonWork Study and Student Employment Coordinator254-968-1774

Habla con un representante en Español: 1-844-TEJANOS (1-844-835-2667)