You can click on the expandable headings to see bar charts and maps for each of the different income statistics for the North Central Texas (NCT) region. Data is derived from U.S. Census data. 

The poverty rate is the ratio of the number of people whose income falls below the poverty line.

The deep poverty rate is defined as the state where an individual household’s annual income falls below 50% of the poverty line.

Average Deep Poverty Rate (%) for Households in NCT 2017-2021

Bar chart of average deep poverty rates by county in NCT, 2017-2021.
Bar Chart for Average Deep Poverty Rate (%) for Households in the NCT Region 2017-2021
Map of Texas counties showing average values; Erath highest at 8.604, Rockwall lowest at 1.724.
Map for Average Deep Poverty Rate (%) for Households in the NCT Region 2017-2021

Average Deep Poverty Rate (%) for Children in NCT 2017-2021

Bar chart of deep poverty rates for children by county in NCT, 2017-2021.
Bar Chart for Average Deep Poverty Rate (%) for Children in the NCT Region 2017-2021
Choropleth map of Texas counties showing average values with a color gradient from blue (low) to orange (high), highest in Jack County.
Map for Average Deep Poverty Rate (%) for Children in the NCT Region 2017-2021

Average Median Household Income in NCT 2017-2021

Bar chart of median household income by county in NCT, 2017-2021.
Bar Chart for Average Median Household Income ($) in the NCT Region 2017-2021
Map of Texas counties with average values; Rockwall highest (111,595), Eastland lowest (43,953).
Map for Average Median Household Income ($) for the NCT Region 2017-2021

Average Household Poverty Rate (%) in NCT 2017-2021

Bar chart of average household poverty rates (%) by county, NCT 2017-2021.
Bar Chart for Average Household Poverty Rate (%) in the NCT Region 2017-2021
Map of counties with average values. Hamilton highest at 21.02, Rockwall lowest at 3.92.
Map for Average Household Poverty Rate (%) in the NCT Region 2017-2021

Average Poverty Rate (%) for Children in NCT 2017-2021

Bar chart of average child poverty rates by county in NCT, 2017-2021.
Bar Chart for Average Poverty Rate (%) for Children (0-17 yrs) in the NCT Region 2017-2021
Map of Texas counties with average values; Jack highest at 26.98, Rockwall lowest at 5.04.
Map for Average Poverty Rate (%) for Children (0-17 yrs) in the NCT Region 2017-2021

Average Per Capita Household Income ($) in NCT 2017-2021

Bar chart of average per capita income by county in NCT, 2017-2021.
Bar Chart for Average Per Capita Household Income ($) in the NCT Region 2017-2021
Map of Texas counties showing average values; Collin highest, Navarro lowest.
Map for Average Per Capita Household Income ($) in the NCT Region 2017-2021

Average Per Capita Poverty Rate (%) in NCT 2017-2021

Bar chart of average per capita poverty rates by county in NCT, 2017-2021.
Bar Chart for Average Per Capita Poverty Rate (%) in the NCT Region 2017-2021
Map of Texas counties with average values; Eastland highest at 18.50, Rockwall lowest at 5.10.
Map for Average Per Capita Poverty Rate (%) in the NCT Region 2017-2021

Average Per Capita Poverty Rate (%) for Children in NCT 2017-2021

Bar chart of child poverty rates by county in NCT, 2017-2021.
Bar Chart of Average Per Capita Poverty Rate (%) for Children (0-17 yrs) in the NCT Region 2017-2021
Map of Texas counties with average values; highest in Stephens (27.40), lowest in Rockwall (6.90).
Map of Average Per Capita Poverty Rate (%) for Children (0-17 yrs) in the NCT Region 2017-2021

Number of Households with Income Less than Poverty Line in NCT 2017-2021

Bar chart of households below poverty line by county in NCT region, 2017-2021.
Bar Chart for Number of Households with Income Less than Poverty Line in the NCT Region 2017-2021
Map of counties with average values; Dallas highest at 368,709, Somervell lowest at 863.
Map for Number of Households with Income Less than Poverty Line in the NCT Region 2017-2021