Educational attainment here refers to the highest degree of education an individual has completed, as the U.S. Census Bureau defines it. Completing a level of education is typically validated by assessing acquired knowledge, skills, and competencies. Successful education completion often leads to a high school diploma, college or associate degree, and bachelor’s degree. Education tends to raise productivity and creativity and stimulate entrepreneurship and technological breakthroughs. The workers’ knowledge and skills available in the labor supply are critical determinants for business and economic growth. This is because education level significantly impacts salary by influencing income growth, employment opportunities, career development, and promoting business growth. A well-educated workforce is more productive, innovative, and adaptable, contributing significantly to economic development.
The figures show the educational attainment by the county to provide information on the differences in human capital evolution in the NCT region.
The data source is the U.S. Census Bureau.
You can click on the expandable headings to see bar charts and maps for each of the different education attainment for the North Central Texas (NCT) region.
Educational Attainment of High School by County 2019-2022

Educational Attainment of Some College or Associate Degree by County 2019-2022

Educational Attainment of Bachelor Degree or Above by County 2019-2022