
Limited IRB Review

What is limited IRB review? Limited IRB is increased oversight by the IRB for low-risk research (e.g. certain exempt categories) to ensure that either: How is limited IRB review conducted? …

Four people stand in front of a research poster at Tarleton State University.

Tarleton Research at the Texas UG Research Day at the Captiol

Tarleton State University student, Avery Campbell, showcased his project titled “Modeling Supraventricular Tachycardia Using Dynamic Computer-Generated Left Atrium” at the Texas Undergraduate Research Day at the Capitol on April 11, 2023. Faculty Mentor is Dr. Bryant Wyatt and other student researchers are Gavin McIntosh and Melanie Little.

Hands trimming microgreens with scissors.

Tarleton Researcher Leads Collaborative Pollination Project

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture has awarded a team headed by Tarleton State University researcher Dr. Adam Mitchell $749,923 for the project “Partners in Pollination-Capacity Building for Agriculture STEM Research in Pollinator Conservation on Texas Grasslands.”