The Institutional Review Board (IRB) is responsible for the review and monitoring of human subjects research and investigating legitimate concerns in human subjects research. An IRB is comprised of at least 5 members with varying backgrounds with at least 1 scientist and 1 non scientist.
IRB Protocols and applications are handled on
Information on how to navigate IRBNet can be found in the below Tarleton IRB Guidance & Info Library
What is Human Subjects Research?
It is research involving:
- Live subjects
- Identifiable data
- Private information
- Bodily materials
IRB Application

- Informed consent is a process, not just a form
- All efforts must be made to protect subject information
- Consent vs. assent
- Consent: Able to make the informed decision to participate
- Assent: Guardian must consent on behalf of subject
- Selection criteria and study population must be justified when using specific groups
- Expires annually unless continuing review is requested