Banner Information
Banner is a database of student and class information.
Your Banner username will be the same as your username for email and computer login. Your password will be an 8-14 digit combination of Letters and/or Numbers.
- You will be given a password initially, which is case sensitive. As soon as you enter your password Banner will tell you that your password has expired.
- Select- Ok and type that same password again on the first line where it says “Old Password”. Then you will type a new password on the second and third lines after you type your old password.
- Make your password something easy for you to remember because you may go a few weeks at a time between uses in Banner. You can then disregard your old password and use your new password next time you log in to Banner. If you require a password reset, email the Office of the Registrar or call us at 254-968-9121.
myGateway is the web-based view of the database Banner.
Username and password will be the same as your NTNET login. (If you need to have your password reset please create a Help Desk Ticket.)
Banner Security
Security access for employees of Tarleton State University is evaluated on an individual basis and must be requested by the individual’s supervisor/department head or their designee.
The Help Desk Ticket System allows a supervisor to select from several predefined choices via drop-down menus. For example, first selecting “Banner Security Request”, then “Advisors”, then “Academic Advisor”, which will request Banner, DegreeWorks, Imaging and appropriate advising hold permissions. Once selected, you are able to view the full access this request will apply.
The following security access can be requested using the Help Desk Ticket System:
- Department Head/Department Head Assistant
- Faculty or Staff Advisors
- Student Worker
If you are not sure what access is required, please discuss with your supervisor/employee the systems (Banner, DegreeWorks, Imaging) and the level of access required to complete their job duties. If you are not able to determine what access is required, please email David Sutton to discuss appropriate roles and permissions. In most cases, a former employee’s access can be used as a template to grant access.
Security Access for Faculty
Initial security access for faculty is processed by Academic Affairs with hiring paperwork received from Employee Services. This includes access to faculty services within DuckTrax. Additional access to Banner (add/clear holds, etc) and/or Imaging will need to be requested through our Office providing the information stated above.
Security Access for Student Workers
Security access for student workers requires a request from supervisor/department head (or designee) and will include the following information:
- Employee name
- UIN (assigned by Employee Services)
- University ID
- NTNET username: sw_account required.
- Department
- Campus location (Stephenville, Killeen, Fort Worth, or Waco)
- Classification: student or grad student
- Access requested: Banner, DuckTrax (faculty/staff access), Imaging.
A help desk ticket for Network Permissions should be submitted to Innovative Technology Solutions for sw_ accounts prior to submitting a request for Banner access. Degree Works access for student workers is not permitted.
A brief description of the responsibilities/duties of the employee should also be listed in order to justify appropriate security access.
If you do not currently have access to Banner, please have your supervisor create a help desk ticket to request your Banner access. If you need access to SFASRPO and/or SWASECT, please have your supervisor request these screens specifically.
Banner Training Files
- Log-in to Banner
- SPAPERS (View Student’s Alternate ID)
- SPAIDEN (View Student’s Addresses)
- SPACMNT (Leave Comments on Student Records)
- SFASRPO (Enter Class Overrides)
- SWASECT (Set Class Sizes)
- SGASTDN (Find a Student’s Major)
- SFAREGQ (View a Student’s Schedule)
- SFASTCA (View a Student’s Course Registration)
- SOATEST (View a Student’s Test Scores)
- SHATRNS (View a Student’s Transfer Work)
- SHATERM (View a Student’s Cumulative GPA)
- SFASLST (View Class Rosters)
- SFARHST (View Student’s History)
- SHADEGR (View Student’s Degree)
- Official Class Roster (Texan Facts)
Graduation Training
Web X-Tender Training
Additional Information
Questions regarding security requests, deactivations, or Banner password resets may be submitted by emailing the Office of the Registrar or calling 254-968-9121.