Image Standards and Adjustments
When adding images to events in the LiveWhale calendar system, please make sure that these images are exactly 900 px wide by 600 px tall (or 3:2 ratio if larger). If your photos are bigger or smaller than these dimensions, the image will either be distorted or have blank space surrounding them. These dimensions are a landscape, or horizontal, orientation.
Understandably, these dimensions will require event maintainers to request that their designers build images in a landscape format, which will help in advertising on our TVs/digital signage, social media, and calendar system platforms.
Do not include text heavy flyers/posters for your event images. These images should not contain a lot of text for the following reasons:
- Event information will be duplicated in the Event description where the content should be displayed anyway or
- Event description will be missing entirely due to dependence on an inaccessible image where individuals with visual impairments will miss out on the information.
Instead, focus on an image that represents the tone or activity of the event. If you are using a logo, make sure there is enough “white space” (e.g. gray background where no important imagery is) surrounding it to make it fit the 900×600 dimensions.
Images that do not follow these standards will be removed in order to provide our Tarleton community fair and equal opportunity to all events and ensure the stable function of the Tarleton website.
Alternative text
The alternative text in LiveWhale is the caption for this image.
To comply with accessibility standards, this text is required on each image to provide blind and/or visually impaired users with the ability to gather similar context of your message and the image. Text is treated like anything you would read, so it follows a similar capitalization, punctuation, and grammar rules to aid screen readers in reading the image description correctly. For example, if an image does not load on the page, you would rely on the alternative text to describe what the image is displaying.
You must be very careful about what text you choose because it could accidentally be visible to your audience. Words such as “dog” or “girl” will not explain the purpose or tone of the event to our visually impaired constituents, so you should give them a more explanatory phrase. For example, if a student organization is running a pet adoption booth, the alternative text for that image should be something like “A smiling puppy waiting for a forever home”. This supports the message and tone you want to present.
Using an Image as a Thumbnail
If you will only be placing an image on the calendar listing, select Use for Thumbnail Only after clicking on the gear icon on the bottom right of your image.
File Name Standards
When naming image files, please make sure that each image has an appropriate name (“.jpg” is not require in the name) to assist you in organization and searchability. You can adjust these later in your calendar group’s images library.
Image Credit and Keywords
If a student or external designer/photographer is responsible for the work on the image, you have the option to add in credit by just entering in the name of the individual/organization.
You can also add in keywords that will assist in searching for the image as your library grows, in the event that you need to reuse it for another entry.
Using “TSU” in Event Descriptions, Location Names, and Other Event Details
We are Tarleton State! However, we are often confused with other universities who use “TSU” such as Texas Southern University and Texas State University. While it is ok to use “TSU” on campus, external audiences (e.g. emails, social media, news articles, or websites) will not understand we are different from those who may be getting negative news that accidentally gets associated with Tarleton.
The Texas A&M University System has provide us with naming conventions to reduce this confusion. When promoting Tarleton on anything going to external relations, use only “Tarleton State” or “Tarleton State University”.
Please check through your event titles, descriptions, locations, and anywhere else that you may have “TSU” in the LiveWhale calendar system. If you do not know how “TSU” was placed in a particular area, please feel free to contact University Web Operations for assistance.