• Canceling: This is an event that people have known about for a while on the calendar, maybe even RSVP’ed for, but circumstanced occurred that require the event to be canceled. When canceled, LiveWhale automatically adds a “canceled” to the beginning of the event title, so you don’t have to change anything directly on the event. There are a couple ways to cancel an event:
    • (1) gray box Cancel Event at the top right of th edit screen.
    • (2) checkbox This event is canceled in the dark gray box at the bottom of the edit screen.
    Do not confuse these with the red cancel and go back link at the top left of the edit screen next to Edit an event as this is merely how you go back to the event listing without changing anything on the event.
  • Deleting: This is an event that hasn’t been publicized enough to warrant canceling. Deleting an event takes it entirely off the calendar system.