
Internships can really help you set yourself apart from the competition once you graduate. 56.1% of internships result in full-time jobs with the company. 57.5% of students who had completed an internship reported receiving a job offer. Students who did not complete an internship received 16% fewer job offers. Paid interns are 34% more likely to get at least one job offer after graduation (College Recruiter, 2019; Fast Company, 2019). But, there are two very important aspects to internships:

  • Work Experience
  • Academic/Course Credit

Work Experience:

Many students self-identify employers to intern with. That is great! But, just because you don’t know of an employer, do not let that stop you. Tarleton utilizes the Handshake employment system through which you can identify personalized job recommendations through a user-friendly interface:

Student Login:

Handshake will email students with login instructions to your account.

Download the Handshake Student Quick Guide

To learn more helpful tips and tricks, visit the Handshake Help Center.

Additionally, you may be able to identify other internship opportunities direction. Below, find listings to some of our major employers within the region that offer internship opportunities:

Position Vacant

Want an internship but can’t find a prospective employer? Reach out to Career Services! They would be happy to help you find relevant opportunities to help set you up for a successful career once you graduate!

Email: [email protected]

Phone: (254) 968-9078

Career Services ([email protected] or 254-968-9078) is here to help you. As the Career Development for the College of Business, they can assist learners with identifying internship opportunities. Reach out to them to help you identify appropriate companies to help you get the experience you need by the time you graduate!

Academic/Course Credit:

The other side of an internship is academic credit. Before your Work Experience begins, work with the internship coordinator in your discipline (listed below) to determine the internship requirements for academic credit. While requirements differ from discipline to discipline, there are assignments that are required to be completed by both you and your employing organization.

blythe stephen


Email: [email protected]

Office: Business Building, Room 127

Phone: 254-968-9334

Dr. Stephen Blythe

Interested in an internship for accounting (ACCT)?

  • Obtain and participate in an internship with job duties that are closely related to major
  • Complete a minimum of 150 hours in your internship during the academic semester
  • GPA requirement: 2.5 or above
  • Receive approval by the internship coordinator by completing an application in Handshake
Senn Will
Senn Will

Assistant Professor (2021)

Email: [email protected]

Office: Business Building, Room 166

Phone: 254-968-9289

Dr. Will Senn

Interested in an internship in Information Systems (BCIS)?

  1. Internship experience is by approval of the BCIS internship coordinator only and learners are required to meet eligibility requirements. Reach out to them first to determine the suitability of an opportunity.
  2. If you are seeking an employer opportunity, work with Mr. Taylor (or Career Services staff member), whose contact information is above and/or review opportunities already posted in Handshake.
  3. Either once you identify a potential employer and/or if you have already identified a potential employer, enter your Request an Experience through Handshake, making sure to completely document the employer and job information sections to seek approval.
  4. If approved, you will be automatically given an override into the appropriate internship course and eligible to enroll once that process is complete.
not pictured
not pictured

hsu tommy

Associate Professor (2013)

Email: [email protected]

Office: Fort Worth Building, Room 324

Phone: 817-717-3299

Dr. Tommy Hsu

Interested in an internship in Marketing?

  1. Complete an internship application with Internship Program Employer Verification,
  2. Secure a faculty sponsor/advisor with the application,
  3. Submit the application to the Department of Marketing and CIS for approval,
  4. Register for the course, and
  5. Furnish the employer with Employer Evaluation of Student Internship Performance.