Accessibility Support (QM Standard 7.2)

Below, find useful information related to accessibility policies and services for Tarleton State University.

  • Accessibility Standards
  • Accessibility Services
  • You are highly encouraged to send your Accommodation Letter to each of your instructors at the beginning of each semester. Intentional communication and a proactive reminder of your accommodations will help your instructors best meet your needs. Your accommodations apply, regardless of class format-face-to-face or online. Therefore, providing your instructors with a current Accommodation Letter will assist them with setting up your accommodations in an online environment.
  • Student Disability Services
    • It is the policy of Tarleton State University to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act and other applicable laws. If you are a student with a disability seeking accommodations for this course, please contact the Center for Access and Academic Testing.

QM Standard 7.2: Course instructions articulate or link to the institution’s accessibility policies and services.