College of Leadership and Military Studies

Man in cowboy hat speaks at an outdoor event, holding a microphone near a soldier statue.


Academics, Leadership, Opportunities

A person in military uniform stands at a graduation ceremony.

Degree Paths

Information on the tracks to earn Associate and/or Bachelor’s Degree

Group of Tarleton State University cadets in uniform on a football field.

Leadership Opportunities

Academics, Leadership and Special Units

Person in uniform showing a ring, wearing a cowboy hat and sunglasses.

Out of State

Information for Out of State Students attending Tarleton State

Contact Us

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Colonel Douglas Simon

Email COL Douglas Simon

Call COL Simon

Joel Humphries 5749 1

Deputy Commandant

Lieutenant Colonel Joel Humphries (Ret.)

Email LTC Joel Humphries

Call LTC Humphries

Administrative Coordinator

Mrs. Melissa Furino

Email Mrs. Melissa Furino

Call Mrs. Furino

Senior Instructor

Mr. Ted Roberts

Email Mr. Roberts

Call Mr. Roberts

Man in military uniform with medals, standing in front of U.S. and Tarleton State University flags.

Professor of Military Science

Lieutenant Colonel joel rainey

Email LTC Joel Rainey

Call LTC Rainey

Cadet Training Officer

Major john considine (ret.)

Email MAJ John Considine

Call MAJ Considine

Corps Recruiting Officer

second lieutenant zemoni hopkins

Email 2nd Lt Zemoni Hopkins

Call 2nd LT Hopkins

Texans Lead The Way… ALL THE WAY!