How to Apply for the Texan Corps of Cadets
You must first apply to Tarleton State University. You can major in any degree program, plus Cadets are provided the exclusive opportunity to complete a minor in Leadership Studies alongside your major program of study.
Complete your application to Housing and pay your room deposit. As a member of the Corps of Cadets, you will live in Traditions South. Your application to the Corps will be used to confirm your assignment to this residence.
Submit a Texan Corps of Cadets Application for Admission. You may apply to the Corps as a Cadet for:
- Army ROTC
- Air Force ROTC
- Texan Leader (Non-Commissioning Cadet)
- The Marine PLC Program
You must register for and attend a Texan Orientation. Learn more about New Student Registration Day and what you need in order to attend.

The application deadline for the Fall Semester is August 1, by 5 p.m.
The application deadline for the Spring Semester it is January 6, by 5 p.m.
The Corps at Tarleton State University designed for full-time students and is led by cadets. At Tarleton, all Army ROTC and Air Force ROTC participants are members of the Corps of Cadets. Additionally, all freshman and sophomore Cadets must enroll in Army or Air Force ROTC to maintain membership in the Corps. Cadets who do not contract with a military service may apply to remain in the Corps of Cadets as Texan Leader Cadets.

Texan Corps of Cadets and ROTC
Tarleton has participated in the Senior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) since 1917. Unless contracted with the Army or Air Force, cadets who participate in the Corps and ROTC are under no obligation to serve in the Armed Services. Each ROTC department has its own department chair and staff, and is run independently according to the needs and administration of the service branch. The Commandant of Cadets is responsible for the military program at the institution, including its administration, discipline, and welfare.
Cadets Contracted for Commission
The ROTC programs at Tarleton exist to commission well-educated officers into the Army and Air Force in sufficient numbers to meet the accession mission of these Services. All Army ROTC and Air Force ROTC contracted cadets are members of the Corps. Tarleton also participates in the Marine Corps Platoon Leader Course program for students seeking a commission in the United States Marine Corps.

Non-contracted Cadets
Non-contracted cadets (Texan Leader cadets) are required to complete four semesters of ROTC courses and participate in physical training and military lab to the extent allowed by the ROTC unit. All junior and senior cadets who do not contract with a military service may apply to remain in the Corps as a Texan Leader cadet. The Commandant is the approval authority for all Texan Leader cadets to participate as members of the Corps. Texan Leader cadets are allowed to participate in all Corps activities and may pursue a minor in Leadership Studies.
The Senior Director of Strategic Studies (John Tarleton Leadership Academy) oversees the ROTC programs and the minor in Leadership Studies through the Departments of Military Science, Department of Aerospace Studies (via crosstown agreement) and the Department of Leadership and Strategic Studies. Each ROTC department has its own chair and staff, and is run independently according to the needs and administration of the service branch. The Commandant of Cadets is responsible for the military program at the institution, including its administration, discipline, and welfare.