Student Resources
Tarleton State University offers a range of student resources to support and enhance your student’s college experience. These resources are designed to help students succeed academically, develop personally, and thrive in a supportive community.
Tutoring and Learning Center– Offering different types of tutoring, testing, and other academic resources
Supplemental Instruction (SI)– A free academic enrichment program designed to support student learning through peer-assisted study sessions.
Tutoring (On Campus and Online)– Offering on campus and online tutoring options free of charge to students.
Academic Coaching– Graduate assistants who use a structured approach with students by holding in-depth conversations and developing learning skills.
Peer Mentoring– Peer mentors will use a semi-structured approach by disseminating information, making connections, and sharing personal experiences to offer academic support and social connectedness to students in their caseload.
Writing Center– support service for students in any stage of the writing process.
Math Achievement Center– tutoring services provided by the mathematics department.
Engineering Success Center– tutoring services provided by the Mayfield College of Engineering.
Accounting Lab– the College of Business offers free accounting, finance, and economics support to all students to help with all undergraduate accounting courses.
Student Accessibility Services– Accommodations for students to help them achieve a fair learning environment. If your student needs accommodations, it is the student’s responsibility to contact the Office of Student Accessibility Services to request accommodations.
Academic Advising– Your student will meet with their academic advisor first during their orientation. Advisors help students plan their course schedules and clarify academic and personal goals.
TRIO Student Support Services– provides students with mentoring, advice on post-secondary course selection, cultural opportunities, economic literacy, and personal coaching.
Student Resources and Basic Needs– works to link students to resources both on campus and in their communities.