Become a Residential Leader

Application opens January 2, 2025 and closes January 17th, 2025
The Residential Leader (RL) serves students in one of Tarleton’s residential communities. The RL exemplifies and implements the policies and ideals of the Residence Lifee Mission through an authentic relational environment. The RL position is a live-in position and is considered essential for the operation of the institution. RL’s are expected to be a resource for their residents and are responsible for what happens on their hall. Any extended absences such as: nights spent outside their halls, vacations and trips during school operations will have to first be authorized with their Residence Hall Director. This position expects a minimum of 20 hours and up to 25 hours of work per week; this position will need to be your primary commitment following your academics.
- RLs must be in good academic (minimum 2.5 GPA), financial, and conduct standing as defined by Tarleton State University.
- The Residential Leader team is versatile with some common characteristics such as excellent communication skills, ability to develop meaningful relationships and prioritize responsibilities.
- Residential Leaders also receive On-Campus Housing and Meal Plan (Meal Plan 12) Scholarships for the academic year (2025 – 2026).
Brief Overview of Position Requirements
- Build Community- Act as a role model and ambassador for Tarleton State.
- Student Development- Access the needs of your community, connect residents with resources and initiate planned and spontaneous community building events.
- Administrative- Update community member information.
- Promote Well-Being/Safety & Security- Responds promptly to all safety and health concerns while following department and university guidelines.
- Service- Prioritize communication with residents.
- Teamwork & Collaboration- Work together to achieve department, division, and institution goals and objectives.
- Acceptance & Respect- Seek to understand the experiences of other individuals and groups.
- Initiative- Share and help implement ideas for improvement.
- Accountability- Produce high quality work in a timely manner and communicate with supervisors.
- Support for Productivity- Show up for scheduled work shifts and meetings on time.
- Personal Growth & Development- Engage in one on one personal growth meeting with your Residential Hall Director and attend training’s and continuous development opportunities.
For application instructions:
- Login to TexanSync to complete the Interest Form for questions about RL position and reminders for when application opens (Application will be available in January 2025)
- Find 2025-2026 Residential Leader Application
- Complete Sparkhire interview from link within Texan Sync Application
- Complete Forms