Maintenance Requests

Submission Process:

  1. Log in to myGateway and access the “Student Housing” link through your “Student” tab in DuckTrax.
  2. Select the “Request Maintenance” link.
  3. Fill out the form and be as detailed as possible.

Please contact your Residence Hall Lobby Service Office or Residence Hall Director if your work order request is not addressed in a timely manner.

Residence Hall Offices

Hunewell/Hunewell Annex: (254)968-9268


Heritage: (254)968-0731

Legends & Centennial: (254)968-0707

Honors: (254)968-1659


Integrity: (254)968-9854

Traditions North & South: (254)968-1663

Texan Village: (254)968-0749

Texan Hall: (254)968-7177


For emergency facility situations like smoke, fire, or water leaks, contact 254-968-9265 and request the Residence Life On-Call personnel after describing the issue/concern.