New Incoming FTIC/Transfer Students

Explore our beautiful and modern on-campus housing options, then find the meal plan that is right for you.

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Before You Apply

Tarleton supports a live-on campus requirement of one year for new incoming students (first time in college and freshmen). Students about to graduate or have already graduated from high school or have earned GED and have not yet attended a post-secondary institution for one long semester (i.e., Fall or Spring), are considered first-time in college (FTIC) students.

Students who have earned college credits before graduating from high school (AP or Dual Credits) or took classes immediately after graduating from high school (during the summer), are also considered FTIC students regardless of earned credit hours.


FTIC students are required to reside on-campus their first academic year unless requesting and receiving approval for an Off-Campus Exemption. A student may request an exemption to the campus residence requirement for one of the reasons below by submitting the Off Campus Request Form. To access the Off Campus Request Form, log in to the housing link through Duck Trax on My Gateway. Each Off Campus Request should be carefully reviewed for required documentation as a part of the submission process.

Exemptions to the Campus Housing Residency Requirement – A student may request an exemption to the campus residency requirement for one of the following reasons:

*The student graduated from high school at least one year prior to the start of the semester – this only applies to students who are incoming new students beginning Fall 2023-Spring 2024 academic year.
*The student will be 21 years of age prior to the start of the semester.
*The student is a married student or a single parent with at least one dependent child.
*The student currently resides, and will continue to reside, in the established primary residence of a family member (parent, legal guardian, sibling, aunt/uncle, grandparents) within 45 miles of Tarleton State University’s Stephenville Campus.
*The student will reside with a sibling who is a registered student at Tarleton State University and will reside at the address that is located within 45 miles of Tarleton State University’s Stephenville Campus.
*A transfer student who has completed college credits in a long semester (Fall – Spring) after graduation from high school.
*The student is taking 8 credit hours or fewer as a part-time student.
*The student has a financial hardship.

Students who meet the requirements while in an academic year Housing Contract will be required to fulfill the remainder of the academic year’s contract.

View other important information for residents of campus housing here

Move In Experience

Fall 2024 Freshmen Move In Schedule – August 15 – 18, 2024

Upcoming Events