A Quick Guide for Transfers

Transferring to a university is exciting, but you may also find yourself feeling overwhelmed. You may hear a lot of buzz around first-time-freshmen and all the processes that they should be completing in order to start their first semester. I am here to tell you that as a transfer student, your process is just as important to us! As a former transfer student, I reflected on my enrollment journey and want to share a “checklist” to help with your journey. 

Determine your goals and make a plan 

As a transfer student, you may be a parent or a working adult and your goals may be different than other students. At Tarleton, we have something that aligns with every student depending on their goals. With that being said, think about your goals. What do you want out of your education journey? What career path do you want to take? What does your schedule allow? How do you want to pay for college? 

Three people smiling at an outdoor event. Two wear purple Tarleton State University shirts.

It can be a lot to think about, but once you have a plan, we have resources to help you through the process. I encourage you to join a Transfer Information Session with a Tarleton State University Admission Counselor. During this session, you will have the opportunity to learn more about Tarleton, talk about our degree plan options and what courses will transfer from your current college or university. Please do not hesitate to ask questions! That is what we are here for! Your goals are our goals!

Gather Application Documents and Apply! 

When you determine your timeline of when you would like to transfer, it is time to gather your application documents and apply! 

There seems to be a notion of waiting to apply for admission as a transfer. I am here to encourage you to apply early! Why? You have more opportunities for financial aid, scholarships, and class choices. We will get to more of that in a minute! 

Keep Track of your Next Steps:

Once you have been admitted to Tarleton State, there are some very important steps to complete to make sure that your enrollment journey is as seamless as possible. These steps often get missed by transfer students because, let’s face it, we are all busy with life! 

  • Complete the FAFSA application–Do this early! Financial aid is first-come-first-serve. If you submitted your FAFSA app at your previous institution, you can update it and send it to Tarleton, school code: 003631 
  • Complete the Scholarship Application– *We have a really awesome program called the Presidents Guaranteed Scholarship Program. Check your eligibility here
  • Check your holds to make sure nothing is holding you back from registering your classes. We created a video to walk you through this here.  
  • Make an appointment with your academic advisor– *Remember you do not have to pay for your classes at the time of registration! Payment is not due until 10 days before class start date! Register early to ensure you are able to get the schedule and classes that align with your goals. 
  • Attend Transfer Takeover or Texan Camp or both! Click the links for more info! 
Keep an open mind and chase your dreams! 

Your journey matters to us! Transferring to a university is exciting and you are taking the step to finish your education. We hope you choose to finish your degree with us here at Tarleton, where you will find a friendly campus and a student focused environment. As a transfer student, we know that the “new” campus, classes, and processes can be hard to adjust to. Keep an open-mind and chase those dreams! To the future nurse, business owner, engineer, police officer, or veterinarian (or whatever career you are pursuing!) reading this, your destiny awaits you at Tarleton State University! 

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