Interlibrary loan (ILL) is a service to obtain materials not available in your local library collection. Requested items may include books, journal articles, microforms, videos, etc. All materials are obtained within the guidelines of copyright legislation.
Use your Tarleton NTNET username and password to access your account.
Information on how to complete a ILL request is available on the Interlibrary Loan Guide.
For more information on the Interlibrary Loan service call us at 254-968-9660 or email

Frequently Asked Questions
Who May Borrow or Request Materials?
Tarleton State University current students, faculty and staff.
How Many Items May I Borrow?
Tarleton students, faculty and staff may have up to 20 items borrowed on their account at one time.
Where Do I Get My Items?
Most journal articles will be available in electronic format. You will be sent an email instructing you to log in to your Interlibrary loan account to access the article. Due to copyright law electronic access to articles expires 30 days from receipt of email.
Loan materials will be shipped to your campus location for pick up. Simply choose your delivery location when you submit a loan request.
- Stephenville: Dick Smith Library Circulation Desk
- Medical Laboratory Sciences in Fort Worth: Schaffer Building front desk
- Fort Worth: Rickett Library – Fort Worth Circulation Desk
- Waco: McLennan Community College Library Circulation Desk
How Much Does It Cost?
There is no cost for placing requests with Tarleton’s ILL service. If the lending library charges a fee to loan or supply the item or copyright fees apply, you will be asked if you are willing to pay charges before items are sent. You are responsible for all interlibrary loan charges including fees for overdue or lost materials.
When Interlibrary Loan items are not returned by the due date, our library is at risk of losing borrowing privileges at that lending institution. Therefore, the library charges $1.00/day for overdue Interlibrary loan materials.How Long Will It Take?
Expect to wait between 1—2 weeks, so plan your research accordingly. Patrons will be notified if we are unable to locate requested items.
How Will I Know When My Items Are Received?
You are notified via Tarleton email when the item is available electronically or is ready for pick up at your designated delivery location.
What May Not Be Requested?
Most libraries will not lend entire periodicals, rare or fragile materials, reference books and electronic books.
How Long Do I Keep Borrowed Materials?
The usual loan period is 3 weeks, however, there may be variation from library to library. Due dates will be clearly marked on each item. You may request renewals through your Interlibrary loan account, but they are not guaranteed. Renewals must be approved by the lending library.
What Are the Alternatives?
Who Can I Call for Additional Help?
For more information on the Interlibrary Loan service call us at 254-968-9660 or email