Hey future Texans! We are so excited to have you here next Fall! However, we want to ensure that you have a smooth transition into college so we invite you to Texan Orientation!

What is Texan Orientation?
Texan Orientation is an event where incoming freshmen get the chance to explore campus, visit with current students and faculty advisors, create their schedule for the upcoming semester, and do much much more.
- Tour Campus
One of the many perks of attending Texan Orientation is getting the chance to explore campus and learn your way around buildings. Throughout orientation, you will be brought to several different buildings around campus where informational seminars will be held. As your Tarleton Transition Mentors, or TTMs, lead you to each seminar, you will not only be able to get a feel of the layout of campus, but you will also be able to explore inside of some of the buildings where your classes may be held in the future!
- Visit with Students and Faculty
At Orientation you will visit with current Tarleton students and staff who can provide answers to your questions and concerns. Your TTM is there not only to guide you around campus, but to also be your friend. They are more than willing to answer your questions about student life and provide you with tips and advice that helped them when they were in your shoes not too long ago. You can also talk to campus faculty and ask them any questions you may have, whether that’s about your future classes, the organizations they run, or even what kind of food they serve in the dining hall! You will also be able to chat with many different offices and departments to check if all of your requirements are complete in order to move on with your enrollment, and to see if you are accepted into any specific programs held here at Tarleton. All of these individuals are there to help you become as knowledgeable and comfortable about your future as a Texan as possible! So don’t be afraid to ask them your questions!
- Create Your Schedule with Your Advisor and Get Your Questions Answered
The time is finally here to create your class schedule! This is when you can officially say that you are a student at Tarleton State University. Advisors will walk you through this process and help you pick out the classes that you wish to attend. This process is fairly easy and shouldn’t take up too much of your time, but it is extremely important to complete if you wish to move forward with your enrollment to TSU.
A few other offices and departments you have the chance to talk to are..
- Financial Aid
- The Honors Program
- University Colleges
- Many More
You get to pick and choose which office/department you feel the need to talk with the most and ask them whatever questions you may have!

- Sign Up for Duck Camp
I’m sure you’ve heard of our 3 Step Transition Plan at least once by now, but chances are you may be unsure of the specifics of this plan and how to register for the events. If you attend Texan Orientation then you will already have Step 1 of this process complete! Step 2 and 3 will follow after orientation and are quite possibly one of the most fun of these steps. Step 2 is to attend Duck Camp! Duck Camp is a camp designed for incoming freshmen to make new friends and learn about many of Tarleton’s traditions. This camp takes place for three days sometime during the summer and will be a blast to attend! Step 3 is to attend Tarleton’s T-Week events! Both of these very important steps will be discussed in further detail at Orientation, so make sure you register now so you can get a head start!
Click Here to Register for Duck Camp!
- Learn about Tarleton Culture
By attending Texan Orientation you will be able to learn about many of Tarleton’s traditions and events that make it so unique compared to other universities. From Homecoming and its Purple Pancakes to the Poo and Oscar P, I think it’s safe to say Tarleton has many special and quite unique traditions that both students and staff love to celebrate! Many of these distinctive traditions will be discussed in detail at Texan Orientation, as well as many events that you will take part in as new students to Tarleton. It’s very important to learn these interesting characteristics about your new school so that you can better fit in and show your understanding and respect for Tarleton’s traditions.
Why is this important?

Other than the multiple reasons that I’ve already listed, attending Orientation is very important because this is where you truly can become involved in your new school and make new connections with others that will help you thrive during your time at Tarleton. Everyone’s college experience is different, but I can promise you that you will be setting yourself up for success if you attend Texan Orientation and complete the rest of the steps in your transition plan! Make sure that you don’t wait too long before you sign up for your orientation to avoid having the last pick of your classes. You will also not be able to receive your housing assignment until you sign up for an orientation date, so make sure you do this sooner than later!
What was my favorite part?
One of my favorite parts of orientation was being able to explore campus and envision myself there. When you attend orientation it makes your dreams of becoming a Texan turn into a reality. Once you create your class schedule and get to tour your dorm for the first time, everything starts to feel more real and exciting. This is when you first start to feel like you belong at Tarleton! Students and faculty alike emphasize this feeling greatly and help you learn more about your new home. You can get advice and listen to the words of wisdom of others who have been in your shoes not too long ago. Going to college is quite a change and it can seem very intimidating, but when you go to Tarleton you are always surrounded by fellow students and staff who will encourage you and help you succeed. I left feeling very excited about my future at Tarleton!