Workers Insurance Overview
The Texas A&M University System Workers’ Compensation Insurance (WCI) Program was created by the State of Texas to provide reasonable and necessary medical coverage and disability payments to employees who sustain injuries or occupational diseases while in the course and scope of their employment.
All employees whose names appear on the payroll of Tarleton are covered under the program at no personal expense. This coverage includes student and wage employees.

Worker Injury
On February 1, 2019, the process to report workers’ compensation injuries changed from the paper form for the First Report of Injury/Illness to an online electronic submission. Tarleton and all System members will utilize a new online portal, Origami, to report and record worker compensation injuries.

Student Injury
Injuries or incidents Involving visitors and students (non-work related) who suffer an injury or illness are not eligible for WCI compensation; however, injuries, illnesses, or incidents that are observed by Tarleton faculty/staff should be documented and reported to Risk Management and Compliance.
Your health care provider, emergency room, or pharmacy may request billing information regarding your workers’ compensation claim. For these purposes, provide the following information to your treating physician or pharmacist:
Texas A&M System/ Office of Risk Management
301 Tarrow Street, 5th Floor
College Station, TX 77840-7896
Phone: 866-249-8574; 979-458-6330
Fax: 979-458-6247
Early Return to Work Program
Departments are obligated to attempt, in good faith, to provide meaningful temporary work to those employees who are required to work under a practitioner’s restrictions or limitations. Please review additional information regarding the University’s Early Return to Work Program if your employee has restrictions regarding his/her return-to-work status.