Building Emergency Coordinator Program


An accident is an unplanned occurrence that may result in damage to people, property, equipment, or the environment.

Accident Procedure for Faculty & Staff

Accident Procedure for Students & Visitors

Active Shooter

The presence of an active shooter creates a very dynamic situation. Decisions on what to do in an active shooter or active threat situation lies with YOU. Your best three options, depending on your situation, are: RUN, HIDE, FIGHT.




Bomb Threats

Bomb threats are serious emergencies that require prompt attention. Tarleton regards all bomb threats as potentially serious. Tarleton employees or students shall not touch any object that is suspected to be a bomb or explosive device.

If an object is discovered that is suspect or a bomb threat phone call is received, the observer or recipient shall evacuate the area and call the Control Center (9265). The employee/student should provide their name, department, object description, and location.

Sounds to note while a caller is on the phone

Evacuation Procedures for Campus-Wide Bomb Threats

Fire Response

Evacuation plans and fire drills are essential for building occupants to respond correctly to a fire alarm. To learn more about Tarleton State University’s Fire Procedure please,  refer to the Fire and Life Safety Manual.

During actual emergencies, building occupants must receive permission from the UPD, the Fire Department, or the Office of Risk Management before reentering a building.

Fire and Response Procedures

Biological Spills

If the nature and cause of the spill is unknown and there is reason to believe the spill was intentional, and malicious, call the Control Center at extension 9265. The exact procedure for responding to a biological spill depends on the material, amount, and location of the spill.

Biological Spill Procedures

Hazardous Material Spill (Chemical)

Most spills should be handled by trained personnel within their work area. If a spill is too large to be handled by department personnel and assistance or advice is needed, contact the Control Center at (Ext. 9265). Tarleton has a working relationship with the local fire department to assist in spill containments and to use whatever resources are necessary.

Chemical Spill Procedures

Severe Weather

Tornado Watch (Same for all campus locations)

Tornadoes are possible in and near your area. Watch area is typically large, covering numerous counties.

Tornado Watch Procedure

Tornado Warning

Tornado has been sighted or indicated by weather radar. The following campus locations have different warning systems based upon the city in which they are located. The information and resource links below provide necessary guidance to prepare for severe weather at each campus location.

Stephenville Campus

Fort Worth Campus

Waco Campus

Questions concerning these emergency procedures should be directed to the Office of Risk Management, Extension 0598.

Inclement Weather – Campus Closure

Inclement weather usually refers to severe or harsh weather that is cold and wet. Should weather or other conditions occur such that normal campus operations could be impeded, information will be provided to the appropriate local broadcast media, no later than 6:45 a.m. 

Inclement weather announcements will be broadcast on: