Student Learning and Student Success Outcomes
The Texan Smart QEP has two student learning outcomes that seek to achieve changes in students’ behaviors, knowledge, skills, and values. The Texan Smart QEP also has four student success outcomes that seek to achieve improvements in key student achievement measurements. Each outcome associated with the Texan Smart QEP is aligned with either an objective in the University’s strategic plan or a goal in the strategic higher education plan in Texas. Additionally, all six student learning and student success outcomes are aligned with current initiatives in higher education institutions across the United States.
Alignment with University Efforts
Tarleton strives to offer challenging and relevant learning experiences that prepare students as global citizens. In 2013, the University’s strategic plan, Tarleton 2021: Student Focused & Value Driven 2015-2021 Strategic Plan (herein referred to as Tarleton 2021) was developed. Tarleton 2021 identified Tarleton’s mission, vision, and core values to set a clear direction, create a shared purpose, and communicate guiding principles for the institution. Tarleton 2021 also encompassed four strategic plan goals aligned with Tarleton’s mission, vision, and core values that established a culture of continuous improvement with an emphasis on student success.
Alignment with State Efforts
In 2015, the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) launched a strategic higher education plan, the 60x30TX plan (THECB, 2015). The 60x30TX plan aims to build a more knowledgeable and skilled workforce to ensure a strong and sustainable economy in Texas. The 60x30TX plan includes four broad goals and related targets intended to move the state towards achieving its goals by the year 2030.
Goal of the 60x30TX Plan:
- 60×30: By 2030, increase the percentage of 25- to 34-year-olds in Texas who hold a certificate or degree to 60 percent.
- Completion: By 2030, increase the number of completers for certificates and associate, bachelor’s, and master’s degrees from institutions for higher education in Texas to at least 550,000 students, particularly among targeted groups.
- Marketable Skills: By 2030, all graduates from institutions of higher education in Texas will have completed programs with identified marketable skills.
- Student Debt: By 2030, undergraduate student loan debt will not exceed 60 percent of first-year wages for graduates from institutions of higher education in Texas.
Alignment with National Efforts
Student wellness and well-being have become topics of growing importance in higher education, and many higher education institutions have engaged in efforts that focus on one or more dimensions of well-being. Among these initiatives, some higher education institutions have implemented initiatives with a specific focus on the dimension for financial well-being among students.