Civil Rights at Tarleton State University
Tarleton State University provides equal opportunity to all employees, students, applicants for employment, and the public regardless of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, age, genetic information or veteran status. Tarleton State University will promptly and thoroughly investigate all complaints of discrimination, sexual harassment, and related retaliation in accordance with applicable federal and state laws, Texas A&M System Policy 08.01 and Regulation 08.01.01, and University rules and/or procedures.
Sexual harassment is a form of discrimination based on sex. It is defined as unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature, which includes unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal, nonverbal, or physical conduct of a sexual nature. Sexual violence, which includes rape, sexual assault, sexual battery, and sexual coercion, is a form of sexual harassment. Any member of the campus community or public who witness, are subjected to, or are informed about of incidents of discrimination, sexual harassment, and/or related retaliation involving faculty, staff, or students are encouraged to report such incidents to the appropriate individual.
Many terms are used to describe Civil Rights protection based issues such as Title IX and Title VIII but understand that all civil rights based issues fall under one Texas A&M System Regulation 08.01.01 Civil Rights Compliance.
How to Report
You may contact the appropriate individual listed below or complete the Civil Rights Reporting Form.
By completing this form you will receive an automated response back to your email noting that the complaint has been received by the University. You may wish to keep this notice for your records. This form may be completed anonymously by students or third parties.
Complaint Contact
Semoine Pearson
Civil Rights / Title IX Compliance Coordinator
Confidential Reporting
An important resource for students is the Campus Survivor Advocate. The availability of an advocate allows students to seek confidential support if they have been harmed. The advocate can make changes in housing or classes, assist students with seeking accommodations including academic extensions or grades of incomplete if necessary, help students understand formal reporting options (Title IX and law enforcement) and support students through those processes if a student chooses to engage in them.
The survivor advocate may be contacted at 254-968-9044.
Mandatory Reporters
According to Texas A&M System Regulation 08.01.01 and Texas State Law, all employees (except for confidential employees) who experience, observe, or become aware of alleged discrimination, harassment, or related retaliation must promptly report the incident(s) to the Designated Official at Tarleton State University.

Semoine Pearson
Civil Rights / Title IX Coordinator
Phone: 254-968-9754