Wind Ensemble Concerto Competition
January 29, 2025

Event Coordinator
Event Coordinator: David Robinson
2024-25 Event Schedule
Wednesday, December 11, 2024
5:00 pm Application due (via online link below)
Wednesday, January 29, 2025
2:00 pm Auditions (FAC Theater)
Thursday, May 1, 2024
7:30 pm Performance (FAC Auditorium)
Registration Form
This year’s application is online only:
Competition Rules
- The Concerto Competition seeks auditionees to perform a work for solo instrument(s) or voice(s) for performance with the Tarleton Wind Ensemble.
- All communication of the competition will be made via the official Tarleton email address provided on the application forms. Please respond timely to all information requests.
- The competition is open to any current Tarleton student in good academic standing and enrolled in applied music lessons in both fall and spring semesters of the current school year.
- The approval of the entrant’s applied teacher is required prior to the audition. Dr. Robinson will confirm this approval after submission of entry forms. Audition time slots will be determined and communicated approximately two weeks prior to the audition.
- The work must be written for solo instrument(s)/voice(s) and band/winds (or an arrangement of a work for band/wind ensemble). Suitable pieces include arias, songs, concerti, etc. It is the responsibility of the auditionee to inquire about the existence and availability of a band arrangement of a piece. (See Dr. Robinson with questions.)
- The entrant must audition with piano accompaniment on the piece to be performed at the concert. See Dr. Robinson if this is not possible for your intended piece (i.e. some percussion pieces). Any accompanist fees are the responsibility of the auditionee.
- The solo part with piano accompaniment must be acquired by the auditionee at his or her expense. The band parts for the winner’s piece will be purchased by the band area.
- The concerto winner(s) must make themselves available for rehearsals with the Wind Ensemble during its TR 3:45-5:40 time slot in the weeks leading to the assigned concert.
- The concerto winner must successfully perform the winning work with the Wind Ensemble on the assigned concert. Dr. Robinson reserves the right to edit its performance due to time constraints or feasibility of ensemble performance.
- The competition will be judged by the Tarleton music faculty using a ranking order system with highest and lowest scores thrown out. The decision of the panel is final and Dr. Robinson will participate only in case of breaking a tie. The panel will select no less than a winner and a runner-up with any honorable mentions given at the discretion of the panel.
The Tarleton Wind Ensemble Concerto Competition offers the opportunity for the university’s top musicians to perform a concerto or solo for the university community. The competition is open to any current Tarleton student in good academic standing and enrolled in applied music lessons in both fall and spring semesters of the given school year. The approval of the entrant’s applied teacher is required prior to the audition.
The winner will be selected by the music faculty using a ranked choice points system. The competition winner will perform the winning piece with the Wind Ensemble as part of its final concert of the season.