In Appreciation: Complimentary Tickets To All Athletic and Performing and Fine Arts Events

Purple banner with Tarleton State University logo and text about the Office of the President.
Dear Faculty and Staff,
There’s something magical about a college campus in the fall. New beginnings, new faces, new spaces, new knowledge, new opportunity — all are alive and well at Tarleton State.
We’re off to a great start thanks to the excellent work and unwavering dedication of each of you. As a token of appreciation, every employee will receive two general admission non-transferable tickets to all athletic and performing and fine arts events on campus through spring 2023.
I tasked Vice President for Intercollegiate Athletics Lonn Reisman with securing a donor to cover the costs, and he came through in a major way. The donor wanted you to feel special, appreciated and loved and said simply, “Thank you for always putting students first.”
And for those of you with children 16 years and under, Kindall and I will cover their tickets. Our students, directors, coaches and leaders are working hard to provide top-notch entertainment on the stage, field, court or in the theatre. I encourage you to come out and support our Texans as they represent Tarleton at the highest level.
Information and details on how to secure your tickets will come soon from the appropriate departments. Here’s to a great semester and academic year.
Bleed purple!