Survivor Advocacy
Providing on-campus resources & support for survivors of sexual assault, domestic violence, stalking & harassment.
What does a Survivor Advocate do?
- Provide confidential support to survivors.
- Help with immediate safety needs and safety planning.
- Explain reporting options, including reports to the University (Title IX) or law enforcement.
- Provide support through Title IX and/or criminal processes if a survivor chooses to pursue them.
- Explain medical options; help survivors access medical care.
- Help connect with community resources such as Cross Timbers Family Services.
- Help connect with on-campus resources (Counseling, Health Services, Dean of Students Administrative Office, CARE Team, Tutoring, UPD, TIX etc.)
- Assist with on-campus accommodations (academic, housing, on campus employment etc.)
- Provide psychoeducation on trauma and domestic violence.
- Provide consultations to better understand options
Who do we serve?
- Any student who has dealt with sexual assault, domestic violence, harassment, and / or stalking.
- It doesn’t matter when the harm occurred – sometimes students struggle with something that happened before arriving at Tarleton.
Faculty / Staff Consultations:
- Tarleton employees are mandated reporters for Title IX.
- Faculty/Staff can consult with Survivor Advocate to connect students of concern with resources.
- Student Counseling Services must report any Title IX concerns involving Faculty and Staff.
Why do we serve?
- Trauma disrupts every facet of a person’s life.
- It can be challenging to concentrate on academics when wrestling with the aftermath of violence.
- The reporting process can be difficult and overwhelming. The Survivor Advocate can provide clarity and support.
- We want to keep our survivors in school, working toward their dream of an education.
- Violence is wrong. Period. Survivors deserve support with getting their lives back on track and healing from harm. We can help with that process.

Report Sexual Assault
You do not have to go through this alone. Call us at 254-968-9044 to schedule an appoint with a survivor advocate today.

24-Hour Crisis Help
There is someone to help you 24 hours a day.