Title III, Part A- Strengthening Institutions Program Grant
What is the Title III grant program?
The Title III Strengthening Institutions Program is a competitive grant program, awarded by the U.S. Department of Education, to help institutions of higher education become self-sufficient and expand their capacity to serve low-income students by providing funds to improve and strengthen the academic quality, institutional management, and fiscal stability of eligible institutions.
Grant Project: Texan Smart: Increasing Educational Access, Opportunity, and Success
In October 2021, Tarleton State University was awarded a $1.97 million Title III, Part A- Strengthening Institutions grant aimed at supporting access, opportunity, and success of Tarleton’s students. Funds, distributed over a five-year period, will contribute to the growth and enhancement of student academic support programs such as academic advising, tutoring, applied learning experiences, internships, financial literacy, and career readiness.
Project Goals & Strategies
- Goal 1: Academic Programs & Institutional Management: Increase educational access, opportunity, and success among all Tarleton students by improving financial wellness and well-being.
- Establish the Texan Smart Financial Center
- Improve Efficacy of Tarleton Programs and Services
- Expand Academic Advising
- Goal 2: Fiscal Stability: Improve outcome metrics for future sustainability.
Measurable Objectives

Title III Project Implementation
Title III Taskforce:
- Dr. Rusty Freed, Interim Dean of University College
- Angie Jones, Director of Title III Project
- John Duarte, Director of Student Retention
- Melissa Eubank, Director of Testing Services and the Tutoring and Learning Center
- Dr. Juan Gallardo, Director for Texan SMART Financial Center and QEP Coordinator
- Dr. Manon Shockey, Director of Academic Advising
- Dr. George Mollick, Associate Dean, Director of the Division of Workforce Pathways & Career Development, and Acting Director of Career Services
- Dr. Manon Shockey, Director of Student Development & Mentoring