The History program of the Department of History, Geography and GIS at Tarleton State University offers a Bachelor’s degree through courses with a variety of topics taught by exceptional faculty. The undergraduate degree path provide students with exciting opportunities to explore how historians investigate, analyze, and write about history. The focus is on critical thinking and writing, as history is about solving problems, investigating mysteries, and writing clearly and persuasively. The skills gained in this program can be applied in nearly any career. You can learn more about the History B.A. program by checking out our degree page.
The strength of this program is evident in the quality students and faculty. From scholarly publications with major presses to excellence in the classroom, our faculty offer a wide range of specializations, quality instruction, and mentoring in research, conference presentations, and career preparation. Students have opportunities to engage in many activities from research and presentations related to courses, study abroad and away programs, campus student organizations, internships, area opportunities in local and public history, and much more. We welcome you to contact our department or one of the faculty listed below for more information.
Student Spotlight
“The value of a History degree is found in more than simply remembering dates and names. When studying history one is not only studying past events, but the recorded history of human nature. We can use the past directly to provide solutions for today. A degree in History develops skills in critical thinking, problem solving, and identifying patterns and connections.”
Chris Cloninger, History Student
The Humanities in American Life
According to a 2019 report from the American Academy of Arts and Sciences titled “The Humanities in American Life,” 87% of Americans believe that the humanities help us develop important life skills, 86% believe humanities strengthen democracy, 73% believe they make the economy stronger and 84% of Americans “frequently use at least one humanities skill in their jobs.”
History Faculty
Name | Title | Expertise | Degree-granting Institution | Office | Phone |
Dr. Jensen Branscombe | Associate Professor and Department Head | United States Immigration; Women and Gender History; Modern United States History | Ph.D. Texas Christian University | O.A. Grant Building, Room 355 | 254-968-0596 |
Dr. Jahue Anderson | Instructor | Environmental History; Agricultural History; Rural History; Gilded Age and Progressive Era | Ph.D. Texas Christian University | O.A. Grant Building, Room 348 | 254-459-5433 |
Dr. Paul Banda | Assistant Professor | World History; British Imperial History; Modern African History; History of Development and the Cold War; The Colonial and Post-Colonial State in Africa; Historical Methods | Ph.D. West Virginia University | O.A. Grant Building, Room 349 | 254-968-9286 |
Dr. Aaron George | Assistant Professor | Modern United States History; History of Gender and Sexuality; United States LGBT History; United States Intellectual and Cultural History | Ph.D. Ohio State University | O.A. Grant Building, Room 347 | 254-968-9515 |
Dr. John Harris | Instructor | United States History; Caribbean History | Ph.D. University of Texas at Arlington | O.A. Grant Building, Room 389 | 254-968-9584 |
Dr. Christopher Hickman | Associate Professor | Legal History; the Political History of the United States; the American Presidency; American Film and Media History; American Social Thought; United States Foreign Relations History; the Cold War | Ph.D. The George Washington University | O.A. Grant Building, Room 361 | 254-968-9629 |
Dr. Deborah Liles | Associate Professor & W. K. Gordon Endowed Chair | Texas History; United States Agriculture and Ranching History; American Slavery; American Gold and Silver Rushes; Texas Women’s History; Public History | Ph.D. University of North Texas | O.A. Grant Building, Room 364 | 254-968-9305 |
Dr. Steven Peach | Associate Professor | Indigenous Peoples; Early America; Native South; Race, Gender, and Colonialism | Ph.D. University of North Carolina Greensboro | O.A. Grant Building, Room 351 | 254-968-9086 |
Mr. Ted Roberts | Senior Instructor, Leadership and Military College | US Military History; US Defense Policy and Military Affairs | MA, Tarleton State University | ||
Dr. Gregory Taylor | Professional Associate Professor | Southern History, American Radicalism, Carceral Studies | Ph.D. University of Mississippi | O.A. Grant Building, Room 378 | 254-968-9077 |
Dr. Franziska Yost | Instructor | United States History; Russian History | Ph.D. University of Illinois | O.A. Grant Building, Room 370 | 254-595-7093 |