Graduate Assistantships

Assistantships for graduate students are available in most academic departments that offer a master’s program as well as other university support areas. Most assistantships require teaching, laboratory instruction, or research. The awarding of assistantships is considered a staffing function of the department making the appointment. Inquiries about applications should be addressed to the head of the department in which you wish to study.
Applicants must satisfy both the graduate college and departmental requirements. You can view available positions online, or visit the Department of Career Services in the Barry B. Thompson Student Center.
The full list of job titles, descriptions, and current stipend rates is available on the Human Resources website.
Eligibility Requirements
To become a graduate assistant you must:
- Be admitted into the College of Graduate Studies
- Maintain a 3.0 cumulative GPA or higher
- Enroll and complete at least 6 graduate credit hours in fall/spring semesters and 3 over the entire summer semester.
Out-Of-State Tuition Waivers
Out-of-state graduate students are eligible to pay in-state tuition and fee rates under any one of the following criteria:
- Graduate assistant in any category except non-teaching
- Some scholarship awards of $1000 (consult with Scholarship office)
- Military service (contact the Military Veterans Service Center)
I’m learning in class how to interact with clients, but at work I’m learning the other side of that, such as things that you do after you counsel a client. I’m watching people, and in a sense, getting hands on experience because essentially, I work with the people I want to be.
Shelby Gilson, Counseling Center Graduate Assistant