The Office of Curriculum & Faculty Affairs focuses primarily on functions related to faculty support and development, promotion and tenure and post-tenure review processes, faculty credentialing & records, grievance resolution and mediation, curriculum and academic program development, and library services.  With the goal of providing transformative education experiences for all Tarleton students, the Office of Curriculum & Faculty Affairs is the key point for communication between faculty and the academic administration and is a liaison to Faculty Senate.

Where to Start?


Dr. Aimee Shouse

Associate Provost and Associate Vice President for Curriculum & Faculty Affairs and Dean of Faculty

Administration Building, Room 212D
[email protected]

Haley headshot

Ms. Haley Payne

Executive Assistant I
Administration Building, Room 218

[email protected]

Erin Johnson 7264

Ms. Erin Johnson

Faculty Affairs Coordinator

Administration Building, Room 218

[email protected]

Denise Martinez 0730 683x1024 3

Dr. Denise Martinez

Assistant Provost for Curriculum and Assessment
Dick Smith Library Room 129

[email protected]

becker melissa small

Dr. Melissa Becker

Associate Dean of Off-Campus Education
[email protected]



Dr. Lesley Leach

Associate Dean of Faculty Affairs and Development, Center for Educational Excellence
[email protected]

Andrew Chandra 1741

Dr. Chandra Andrew

Director, Academic Assessment
[email protected]

Curriculum & Faculty Affairs

Main Office

Administration Building, Room 212

Box T-0010, Stephenville, TX, 76402

Phone: 254-968-9598

Email: [email protected]