Institutional Analytics, Effectiveness, and Accreditation (IAEA)


The purpose of the IAEA office is to provide information which supports institutional effectiveness, assessment, policy analysis, and decisions leading to institutional accreditation. IAEA gathers, analyzes, and presents information based on data compiled from internal and external resources. We strive to make the information relevant and readily accessible through this website.

Please feel free to contact us via email or phone 254-968-9354 if you have any questions.

The following interactive visualization was made possible by the Reporting Modernization Grant from the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. The data is unduplicated fall census headcounts as reported for the last ten years. Additional Banner data has been added that allows for the sorting by campus, college, and student type. Ms. Ashley Hall, IAEA Graduate Assistant, created this interactive visualization.

Requesting Data

Many common and recurring reports are available in Texan Facts.

If you do not find the data you are seeking in Texan Facts, Tarleton Administrators, Faculty, and Staff may request data using our data request form.

Here Are Some Guidelines That May Help You Clarify Your Request:

  1. Plan ahead. When making a request, please allow TWO WEEKS for completion of your request.
  2. Identify the critical questions you want to answer. Be specific. For what time period – Fall, Spring, Summer, current year, previous years? Do you need undergraduate only, or total numbers?
  3. Glossary is available for any terms you may be unsure about.
  4. If you are completing a survey or other type of form, please attach of copy to your data request to help us understand your request more definitively.

Once your request has been received, it will be reviewed and assigned to a member of the IAEA staff, and you will be contacted to discuss your request if clarification is needed.

Open Records Requests

All Public Information Requests should be directed to: