Poster for Visiting Faculty Show.

Beyond City Limits: Artists Explore Hill Country

The Clyde H. Wells Fine Arts Center Gallery will be collaborating with the visiting faculty in the Visual Arts and Design Program for an exhibition this February titled Beyond the City Limits: Visiting Artists Explore Hill Country.The show will feature works by Joseph Lloyd, Jesus Rodriguez, Yanina Blanco, and Valerie Van Over, encompassing a variety of artistic styles and genres. The exhibition highlights the work of contingent faculty members, who bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise in creative activities while navigating the challenges of teaching in a new place. This exhibition seeks to shed light on the artistic contributions of these educators and celebrate their impact beyond the classroom. The show will open on February 12, 2025, and conclude on February 28, 2025. There will be a reception with the artists at 12:00 PM-3:00 on February 20, in the Fine Arts Center Gallery.

2024 – 2025 Gallery Show Schedule and Information

9/4 – 9/26 2024Morgan Ford Willingham, You Threaded in Me
10/3 – 10/24  2024Giovanni Valderas Middle-Class Militant
10/29 – 12/4 2024Fall Senior Capstone Exhibition Series
1/15 – 2/5 2025Paho Mann Echoes and Fragments
2/13 – 2/28 2025Beyond City Limits: Visiting Artists Explore Hill Country
3/7 – 3/31 2025Annual Juried Student Exhibition
4/5 – 5/3 2025Spring Senior Capstone Exhibition Series

The TSU Gallery of Art within the Clyde H. Wells Fine Arts Center serves and enriches the students of the Department of Visual Arts & Design and the communities of Stephenville and North Central Texas through exhibitions and special events. The TSU Gallery of Art presents curatorial programs that challenge and promote discourse while highlighting regional as well as internationally-based artists. 

The gallery hosts 3 or 4 shows each semester, usually opening with a reception and often with a lecture and/or workshop by the featured artist(s). These events are free to the public, more details can be found on TSU Gallery Facebook Page or the Fine Arts Calendar. Senior exhibitions are a feature of the schedule in fall and spring semesters. These shows are required of all graduating Visual Arts and Design majors to display a body of work or a research project chosen by the student. The Annual Juried Student Exhibition takes place every spring. This exhibition is open to all students and is juried by curators and artists from the Dallas/Fort Worth area. 

Audience listening to a presentation in a gallery setting.
Colette Copeland giving a public lecture in 2021.

The Annual Rio Brazos Art Exhibition

Every Spring, the Department of Visual Arts & Design hosts the Rio Brazos Art Exhibition, at the Langdon Cultural Center in Granbury, TX. This long-running national exhibition attracts jurors and artists from across the globe. All proceeds from the exhibition go to scholarships for students in the Department of Visual Arts & Design.

The 2025 Edition will be opening this April and will be juried by artist Layla Luna. The call for entries is now open! Submissions due March 1st.