On behalf of the Strategic Planning Council and with much excitement and optimism, I present Tarleton Forward 2030, our bold plan for the next decade.
It is the result of dedicated focus, discussion, and collaboration in the most challenging environment we’ve ever faced. Despite a pandemic, social unrest, and historic winter weather, the council, and our Executive Steering Committee worked diligently to forge a path that will ensure the university continues to thrive no matter what comes our way.
The planning process has been a tangible example of how much faculty, staff, students, alumni, and friends love Tarleton and are committed to a shared purpose to transform generations through education. The result is an action-oriented framework broad enough that all areas can plugin, yet specifically measurable so we can track and communicate progress. And Tarleton Forward 2030 is flexible, ensuring responsiveness to new challenges while we stay true to overarching goals.
President Hurley has asked me to continue serving as chair of the council, and I look forward to the work we have ahead of us to fully realize the fruits of our planning process. My sincerest gratitude for the ongoing support, commitment, and care you give to Tarleton.
Dr. Credence Baker
Strategic Planning Council Chair
There is something special about this place. It’s a place where we rise to challenges and seize opportunities. A place that propels us to excellence. Ever forward, ever onward — that’s how H.A. Schmidt defined our trajectory in 1920 when he penned the Tarleton Fight Song.
Strive for ideals high
Guard your standards, your traditions
Raise them to the sky
On Ye Tarleton, on Ye Tarleton
Biggest and the best
That is what we’re doing. That is who we are.
Our new strategic plan — Tarleton Forward 2030 — will position us as a front-runner for anyone seeking a university degree. Anyone.
Built on our founder’s vision with its unshakable commitment to education, Tarleton Forward 2030 is certain to drive innovation and economic development in the region. It is a bold blueprint. A future-focused, student success-centric plan.
It declares our resolve to give all students the knowledge, skills, and confidence they need to lead, and to stand beside them from the moment they apply through decades beyond graduation. It distinguishes us as a world-class, first-choice institution where students embrace their dreams and reach for the stars.
It defines the core values we stand on, and the vision that guides our great institution. Tarleton Forward 2030 will hold us accountable to five worthy goals and the strategies and objectives to achieve them — all created by students, faculty, staff, and friends as part of a seven-month process marked by focus groups, surveys, and workshops.
My sincerest thanks to our Strategic Planning Council and to each of you for your time and support. Working together, we are making a difference. It’s what Tarleton has done since it opened in 1899, and it’s what we will keep doing in the next chapters of our history.
On Ye Tarleton, on Ye Tarleton
Break right through the line
Ever forward, ever onward
Dr. James Hurley
Proud President of Tarleton State University