
The EdD concentration in Educational Technology Leadership will prepare you for a variety of leadership career options within higher education, K-12, and industry, and will equip you to effectively facilitate technology innovation and change.

You will develop and apply appropriate strategies for your own context with regard to:

  • Providing visionary technology leadership;
  • Fostering a culture of innovation;
  • Promoting and guiding professional development programs; and
  • Evaluating and refining initiatives for systemic improvement.

Program Logistics

  • Three-Year, Cohort-Based Program
  • Hybrid Classes to Fit Your Busy Schedule
  • Dissertation in Practice Model
  • Affordable Tuition 
Graduate holding a diploma at a ceremony, smiling.

They say time flies when you’re having fun. While it may be hard to believe now, in just three short years through our cohort model, you can complete your doctoral-level coursework and carry the title ‘Doctor’. With that title comes great responsibility – to inspire and facilitate innovation as a leader in educational technology. Your doctoral program at Tarleton will ensure you’re well-equipped to meet that challenge head-on.

Program Highlights

  • Innovative and carefully crafted hybrid coursework
  • Preparation for a variety of leadership positions
  • Utilization of technology for innovation and change
  • Opportunities for real-world application of content and ideas

Coursework Highlights

Visionary Planning to Transform Learning with Technology

This course emphasizes leadership principles for driving technology innovation in education. It covers strategies for developing a shared vision, creating a strategic plan, evaluating progress, and communicating effectively with stakeholders.

Implementing Technology Strategy and Systems

This course focuses on leadership principles for implementing technology strategy in education. It covers strategies for leading teams to establish infrastructure, ensuring sufficient and scalable resources, protecting user privacy and security, and establishing partnerships to support the strategic vision.


Man in a striped polo shirt against a blue background.

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