Reporting Forms
General Incident Report Form
This incident report is to report alleged violations of the Student Conduct Code to the Dean of Student Administrative Office. This includes non-academic violations, but not limited to, alcohol, drugs, hazing, physical violence, bullying, or other violations of university policies, rules, or regulations.
Academic Integrity Report Form
Academic Integrity is taken seriously at Tarleton, and faculty plays the most important role in maintaining the academic standards. When an act of academic integrity is suspected or observed to be violated, it is reported to the Dean of Students Administrative Office. Allegations are behaviors that include, but limited to, cheating, plagiarism, falsifying official documents, or collusion. General classroom misconduct.
Student Complaint and Grievance Form
Tarleton State University is committed to resolving student concerns or dissatisfaction in the most expeditious and informal manner possible. As a result, students are expected to discuss their concerns or questions with the instructor, staff member, or office area in which they are experiencing dissatisfaction. Most issues can be resolved at this level.
For situations that cannot be resolved informally, students have the right to file a formal, written complaint.
CARE Report Form
Campus Assessment, Response, and Evaluation (CARE) Team gather weekly to discuss various constituents’ referrals. Practical interventions are in place that allows for open communication and collaboration regarding the concerning behavior. The CARE Team assists Tarleton’s students who might be experiencing unexpected events, personal crisis, mental health struggles, etc. The goal is to assist any student experiencing problems that might lead to disruption in their lives and to address the situation in a safe and helpful manner.’
Title IX and Civil Rights Report Form
If you believe that you or someone else has been subjected to sexual harassment by a university faculty or staff member, student, or Tarleton State University visitor or any other form of sex-based discrimination under Title IX, you may report such misconduct or file a formal complaint with the Title IX Coordinator or the official contact for each situation.