Our student chapter strives for our members to be active and involved, and one of the ways to do so is to join a committee! Committees focus on one aspect of our chapter and help create opportunities for our members. Each will have an executive chair and a possible co-chair that is chosen and led once a week. New committees can be formed, so if you have an idea, feel free to reach out to our officer team during a meeting or via message.

Education and Outreach

This committee’s goal is to reach out and educate fellow students, residents, and local organizations about ethics, issues, and facts related to the wildlife and natural resource worlds. Help plan educational events throughout the year to not only help recruit future members but to also support our chapter’s educational mission.

Executive Chair: TBD

Meeting time: TBD


This committee’s job is to help fundraise to financially support our chapter. Brainstorm and plan out possible fundraiser ideas throughout the year to not only promote student involvement but also raise funds.

Executive Chair: TBD

Meeting time: TBD

Tarleton Outdoors

This committee will help aid our vice president in planning out our annual event: Tarleton Outdoors. Plan and reach out to local organizations and companies to have booths at the event to help nurture the youth’s love for the outdoors.

Executive Chair: TBD

Meeting time: TBD