The disaggregation of enterprise size of businesses by the number of business establishments, employment, and annual payroll is important to provide context to the dynamism in business development in the NCT region. Enterprise sizes of <20 and 20-99 employees are called small businesses, 100-499 are medium businesses, and 500+ employees are large businesses. Because small businesses make up 99.7% of U.S. employer firms, the effort to disaggregate the enterprise size by the number of business establishments, employment, and annual payroll by enterprise size provides a piece of essential information about the scope and distribution of small business impact across the NCT region.
The data shows most establishments are considered small businesses, while large businesses have the most employment and largest payroll across all the counties in the NCT region. However, this observation is quite the opposite across some of the counties.
The data source is the U.S. Census Bureau.
You can click on the expandable headings to see bar charts for the estimated number of enterprises, employees, and payroll for the North Central Texas (NCT) region. These are broken out by individual counties for a given year.
Enterprise Sizes in NCT for 2017

Enterprise Sizes in NCT for 2018

Enterprise Sizes in NCT for 2019

Enterprise Sizes in NCT for 2020

Enterprise Sizes in NCT for 2021