Course Reserve Information
General Guidelines for Reserve Materials
- Do not place copies of materials on reserve unless the instructor, the Library, or another department of the University possesses a lawfully obtained copy.
- When submitting someone else’s work to Reserves, please include complete bibliographic citation information and copyright statement, if there is one.
- Faculty members may not request that Reserve Service provide access to copies of the same material for successive terms unless they have received the copyright holders written permission.
- Using the provisions of fair use, the total amount of material on reserve for a class should be a small proportion of the total assigned reading for that class. Complete or longer works, such as entire books, will not be placed on e-Reserves.

- Materials are available only to the Tarleton State University community and all users are expected to adhere to copyright and fair use guidelines.
- All faculty reserves are removed from the collection automatically at the end of the fall, spring and summer terms.
Please complete a paper form and return it to the library or fill out the electronic form below.
Submit Materials for Print or E-Reserves
You must complete the reserve request form and sign the copyright compliance agreement. Form must be signed each semester.
Step 1
Fill out the form online below. You can also download a printable Course Reserve Request Form or obtain a paper form at the circulation desk in Stephenville or Fort Worth library and bring it in with your physical materials. The information on the request form is needed for print or electronic format reserves.
This form is in adherence with Tarleton’s Privacy Policy.
Step 2
- Stephenville/Online locations: or call 254-968-9450
- Fort Worth location: or call 682-703-7031.
Please note the following guidelines:
- Acceptable Formats for E-Reserves:
- Email attachments sent to above email address
- Documents from Word, Excel, PowerPoint, or PDF
- Photocopies – With appropriate copyright compliance library staff will scan or assist you in scanning materials.
- Weblinks: Database links, web pages.
- Paper copies must be 8.5″ x 11″ only with one-half inch margins on all sides. Please submit clean, first generation copies with no black margins or center stripe. Do not staple.
- Include complete bibliographic citation information for the work from which the copies were made and copyright statement, if there is one.
- Identify the items in the same manner as in your syllabus.
- Indicate the semester and circulation period (2 hours, overnight, 2 days, or 7 days)
- When submitting someone else’s work, please include complete bibliographic citation information and copyright statement, if there is one.