Tarleton State is breaking records in enrollment, scholarship, research, athletics, philanthropy and engagement — the areas that count — cementing its position alongside America’s great public institutions. We’re turbocharging economic growth and transforming the national fabric of higher education.
Our estimated annual impact of $1.7 BILLION for the region and $2.9 BILLION total in added income for Texas defines Tarleton State as a catalyst for growth and prosperity. It reflects our commitment to high-quality education for anyone seeking a university degree. It is a remarkable return on the investment of our students, local and state residents, and Texas.
An independent study by the global research firm Lightcast (formerly Emsi) confirms that a Tarleton State education propels economic vitality. If we educate students in Texas, they will stay in Texas, and Texas will continue to prosper. We’ve always known that, and now we’re being recognized for it.
The information highlighted here illustrates our economic importance and demonstrates that Tarleton State creates value from multiple perspectives. We’re not just growing a university, we’re growing the communities we serve. As Tarleton thrives, so does our hometown, our region and our state.
We call it the Tarleton State effect.