Name *
Email *
College or Division *
Department *
Due date for proposal submission
Due date for proposal submission *
What type of opportunity are you pursuing? *
What type of opportunity are you pursuing?
Grant - Full proposal
Grant - Letter of Interest/Intent
Research contract
Is this a subaward to another institution? *
Is this a subaward to another institution?
Please indicate the Lead Institution and contact information. *
Start Date of Research
Start Date of Research
End Date of Research
End Date of Research
Sponsor *
Link to RFP *
How did you learn about this funding opportunity?
RIED Biweekly Newsletter
Professional Organization
Applied Previously
Pre-Award Website
If other, please indicate how you learned about this funding opportunity:
Does this Sponsor require the applicant to be a 501(c)3? If so, we will coordinate with the Tarleton State University Foundation, Inc. in the application process. *
Does this Sponsor require the applicant to be a 501(c)3? If so, we will coordinate with the Tarleton State University Foundation, Inc. in the application process.
I am not sure
Does this opportunity limit submissions per university or per PI? *
Does this opportunity limit submissions per university or per PI?
Are you the Primary Investigator? *
Are you the Primary Investigator?
Co-Principal Investigator(s) (if applicable)
Did you receive a President's Excellence in Research Scholars (PERS) award? *
Please provide a list of all the years in which the President's Excellence in Research Scholars (PERS) awards were given. *
Title of your research proposal as you want it listed on the submission to the Sponsor. *
Abstract: Please provide 2-4 sentences briefly describing your research proposal. Who would be involved in the project, what you would be doing, where is the research occurring, etc. *
Budget Amount (estimate) *
Is there cost share required? *
Is there cost share required?
If cost share is required, we will need an account number for that cost share to include in Maestro for internal routing approvals. Do you have an account number already in mind for your cost share? *
If cost share is required, we will need an account number for that cost share to include in Maestro for internal routing approvals. Do you have an account number already in mind for your cost share?
Yes and can provide it when asked
Not yet
Is Indirect Cost (IDC) allowed, and if so, how much? The full IDC rate is 36% while partial IDC rates are determined by limitations set by the prime Sponsor. *
Is Indirect Cost (IDC) allowed, and if so, how much? The full IDC rate is 36% while partial IDC rates are determined by limitations set by the prime Sponsor.
Yes, full IDC is allowed
No, IDC is not allowed
Yes, partial IDC is allowed per Sponsor limitations.
Yes, partial IDC is allowed per Sponsor limitations.
Will there be any subawards? *
Will there be any subawards?
Please list Subaward(s) by entity and contact information. *
Will this proposal involve any international collaboration, travel, field work, or shipping? *
Will this proposal involve any international collaboration, travel, field work, or shipping?
Please explain the international component. *
Do any of these compliance items pertain to this proposal? Select all that apply. *
Do any of these compliance items pertain to this proposal? Select all that apply.
Export Controls
Animal Use
Infectious Agents/Recombinant DNA
Human Subjects
None of the above
By submitting this form, I understand that the Pre-Award team will make every effort to submit all proposals. In the event that proposal materials are received outside of the requested timeline, the PI will assume the risk for proposals found to be non-compliant or that do not meet the sponsor’s deadline. *
By submitting this form, I understand that the Pre-Award team will make every effort to submit all proposals. In the event that proposal materials are received outside of the requested timeline, the PI will assume the risk for proposals found to be non-compliant or that do not meet the sponsor’s deadline.