Instrumental Studies



Tarleton State University’s outstanding academic reputation and uncommon spirit are enhanced by our music program that includes professional performance, music education, and band opportunities for music majors and non-majors.

The Instrumental Studies program brings internationally renowned conductors and composers to campus to work with our students as well as invited high school musicians and band directors at the Tarleton Invitational and the Jazz Festival.

What does the band program have to offer?

Students are afforded many hands-on opportunities in each of the ensembles. From leading sectionals, assisting with rehearsals, conducting during rehearsals and serving as guest conductors, music majors are able to put what they learn in the classroom into practice. These experiences allow students from all walks of life to gain leadership opportunities that many future employers find favorable.

Program Objective

  • Provide students with quality instruction in a friendly, supportive environment that will equip them with a solid music component regardless of their concentration.
  • Provide students with a level of personal attention in the classroom that is hard to come by when attending a larger university.
  • Offer students the opportunity to work in a beautiful, state-of-the-art facility that will give them insight as to how professional performers operate.

Coursework Highlights

The Instrumental Studies concentration option offers several career-focused courses, such as:

ClassNumberClass Name
MUSC1311Music Theory I
MUSI3212Conducting II
MUSI3226History of Music I
MUSI3229World Music
MUSI3249Contemporary Music
MUSI4213Instrumental Literature
MUSI4248Scoring and Arranging

Facilities and Features