M.S. in Animal Science


The Master of Science in Animal Science equips students with knowledge and concepts from production through processing and teaches the value associated with livestock, as well as meat and milk produced from those animals. Graduates from the program will possess knowledge of livestock production systems, animal management and animal products. The knowledge and skills gained from this program prepare students for career paths in a range of fields. Students who pursue this degree will have two track options:

  • The Research (Thesis) Track is designed for students who wish to gain experience through research methodology and technical writing in an original research project to be completed under the direction of a graduate faculty member.
  • The Professional (Non-Thesis) Track is designed for students who desire to complete coursework that will further qualify them for public or agency employment, as well as strengthen advancement opportunities in their current or future employment.

Job Outlook

  • A search of Indeed.com generated almost 3,000 positions requiring or preferring a Master’s degree in Animal Science.
  • The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports a projected growth of Animal Scientist jobs of +5.9% from 2016-2026, and +5.7% growth in food scientists.
  • The predicted rates are even higher for the state of Texas. Texaswages.com projects a 17.6% growth in Animal Scientist positions from 2014-2024, and a 20% increase in food scientist positions.
  • The reported average salary for an animal scientist is $61,110, with industries ranging from private management and consulting to federal and state government, academia, animal production, and research and development.

Program Objectives

Tarleton State University’s M.S. in Animal Science strives to prepare students for life after graduation with:

  • Quality classroom instruction
  • Hands-on experience in livestock production units
  • Industry interaction through field trips, cooperative education, and internships
  • Competency in the animal science discipline
  • Scientific inquiry and effective thinking
  • Communication skills
  • Professional responsibility
animal science students horse

Estimated Completion

36 Credit Hours (2 years)

Application Process


Locations Available



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Coursework Highlights

ClassNumberClass Name
ANSC5303Rumen Microbiology
ANSC5306Assisted Breeding Technology
ANSC5308Measuring Animal Behavior
ANSC5314Food Quality Assurance
ANSC5318Ethical/Environmental Issues in Agriculture
ANSC5319Biotechnology in Agriculture
ANSC5350Lab Methods in Animal Research
RNRM5301Advanced Grazing Systems

For more information on courses, please refer to the university catalog.

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