Degrees and Programs
Child Development and Family Studies
The B.A.A.S. in Child and Family Studies offers a flexible program that allows students to utilize their workforce training and experience toward obtaining their degree. Most courses taken for the A.A.S. in Child Development are transferable as well.
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School of Kinesiology
The BAAS in Kinesiology is an alternative pathway to the bachelor’s degree for students who have acquired substantial content knowledge and requisite skills as a result of documentable technical training and professional work experience in a field or fields related to Kinesiology.
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School of Kinesiology
Kinesiology is the study of human movement and encompasses a diverse group of academic sub-disciplines, including exercise science, sport management, human performance, physical education, biomechanics, human ergonomics, recreation, sport performance, wellness and more.
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The B.S.N. program is a 120 credit hour program that offers a traditional program of study for those students seeking to become a registered nurse (RN). Alternate entry options to achieve the BSN are available for licensed vocational nurses (LVN) and registered nurses with an associate degree or diploma. The traditional program of study is available on the Stephenville campus, the RN to BSN entry is available in Fort Worth, and the LVN to BSN entry is available in Waco and Stephenville.
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Medical Laboratory Sciences, Public Health & Nutrition Science
This degree prepares students for employment in a public health profession or for graduate studies in public health and has three different concentration areas (Community Health Education, Public Health Laboratory Professional, and Public Health Professional).
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Sport Science
The BS in Sport Management is designed to prepare students for careers that involve planning, organization, leadership, and evaluation in the sport industry.
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