What is Decision Day?
Taking place on May 1st, National Decision Day is when millions of college students around the world officially commit to the college of their choice. However, it is important students decide before May 1st that way they can join the celebration! All students submitting the form before March 20th will be on the decision day list and receive a decision day celebration package.

How to Participate
- Students will “commit” to Tarleton by completing our commitment day participation form here.
- As soon as students submit the form, they will redirect to a digital download celebration page with their chosen college’s branded phone backgrounds, party pieces, and social media GIFS and Lenses.
- Students will receive their decision day celebration page with directions on how to participate in the social media campaign on May 1st.

Student Testimony
As an incoming freshman, Decision Day played a crucial role in my Tarleton experience. At first, I was not sure what Decision Day really was, but I kept seeing the opportunity to sign up on my Instagram. I was already excited to come to Tarleton so I figured I might as well sign up. I soon after forgot that I even signed up for Decision Day until I received my Decision Day box. In late April a bright purple box arrived on my doorstep. Opening this box I found multiple items such as a #TarletonBound banner, a water bottle that had Tarleton State on it, and stickers relating to my chosen college and Tarleton in general. I was also provided with instructions on how to participate in National College Decision Day on May 1st. Receiving this box only added to my excitement to go to Tarleton and helped make the transition to college feel a little less intimidating.
As Decision Day approaches, seize the opportunity to join the Tarleton family. Committing to Tarleton is not just about deciding on a college; its about joining a family, having the opportunity for exciting experiences, and preparing for your future. Your adventure begins here! #TarletonBound