My name is Grace Bartley and I am a Junior here at Tarleton State. I will be starting a new blog series on the Become A Texan Blog titled “A Dash of Grace.” Before I just start releasing blog posts I wanted to give you all a little bit of background information on this project.
While working with Enrollment Management, I got to hear the stories and needs of a lot of students. Both current and incoming. I realized that a lot of students were craving more. They wanted to be heard, build a connection, and be helped. I have been lucky enough to have an incredible support system who has shown me how to navigate this crazy time. From getting a LinkedIn and resume ready to excelling in my classes, I have picked up a lot of tips and tricks along the way.

I hope that this blog can be a place where we can connect as students. I want to be able to answer your questions, get to know you, and share my journey so hopefully you can learn from my wins and my mistakes.
Now before you go and listen to all I have to say, you probably want to know more about me.

I am a junior majoring in Communications. I have a focus on Public Relations and Social Engagement with a minor in Business. I was born in Colorado and lived there until my 6th grade year when we moved to Texas. I have two parents, an adorable little sister, and a dog named Rosie. My whole life I have known that I want to use my skills of writing, public speaking, and creating to help others. I love to meet knew people and hear their stories. I also love things like reading, crocheting, watching movies, playing pickleball, and baking.
This series is not just going to be about sharing tips for college. I will share my experiences with learning how to cook for myself, traveling to another country and other states without my parents, how to get a leg up in the professional world, and much more. I hope by reading this series you not only gain some valuable information that you can implement but also feel as though you have a friend on campus. A familiar face that when you see you can come up and say hi. I can not wait to begin this journey and I am excited to see where it takes us.
– Grace